Showing posts with label touch tablet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label touch tablet. Show all posts

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Bill Gates rejected the idea of ​​a tablet in 1998

Microsoft had the idea of creating an e-reader in 1998, but the project was rejected by Bill Gates.
The information came to light in a report by Vanity Fair with some ex-employees of Microsoft, and was confirmed by the executive, which at the time was the president of the company, during the interview with a North American channel program PBS , occurred on Monday.
According to Gates, the idea of a touch tablet had already occurred "long before" the rise of the iPad, made ​​by Apple. But, the project offered at the time was just "a little good" in the opinion of the co-founder of Microsoft.
According to a MS programmer, Gates would not have approved the device interface for not "seem" enough to Windows.
"The tablets we had made ​​before were so thin, and not as attractive as they would later," Gates said during the interview, which also revealed as Steve Jobs, the Apple co-founder knew of manufacturing the same . "He did some things better than me," he stated.
The Surface, the tablet announced by Microsoft on June 18, will be a chance for the company to be inserted permanently in this market. According to the executive, with this device the company will have "something that can change the rules again."