Following the theme of yesterday's post on December 21, 2012 , this time enter to watch one of the theories that are getting attention in the media and that are expanding rapidly through social networks: 3 days darkness of 2012.
The theory of the three days of darkness in 2012 is undoubtedly the most comments is generating worldwide. What are these three days of darkness? For the words speak for themselves: three days where darkness is absolute. This says that not only will have no sunlight for 72 hours, but also electronic devices will not work either and no electricity, so we can not use computers or cell phones or anything that may be affected in electromagnetic form.
Many believe that this is actually what the Mayans referred to your calendar and the beginning of a new cycle, a new dawn that supposedly reflect a change in human consciousness. Obviously there are always theories somewhat negative, such as the event foretold by the Virgin Fatima says that three quarters of the human population will die during these three days. Other prophets have also talked about it, saying that before the big blackout see a red light in the sky, some say it will be a comet. There is also talk of a thunderstorm never seen before and a lot of theories.
The most interesting thing is that the 3 days of darkness have been described in different ways by different cultures of the Earth at different times.
If we answer on the side of science, we are told that there will be changes in the sun, as we will see an increase in their rotation and the arrival of a powerful solar wind, which, supposedly, will fried a lot terrestrial devices, not to mention that we'll be incommunicado because the satellites fail to endure. The 2012 has been a year of intense solar activity is expected to reach its peak on 21 December.
From the latter occur, civilization as we know it would collapse because we would have to change too much in a too short period of time. Failing to use electronic devices for three days would lead many to seek alternative lifestyle, becoming more natural beings able to break the habits of contemporary society, which is suggested as an expansion of our consciousness.
There are also modern prophets who say that there will be 3 days of darkness. One of them is a Japanese Princess Kaoru Nakamaru call. We can see in the video below:
Another well accepted scientific theory says that our Milky Way will go through a photon belt in the last days of the year. These photons impact with particles from the sun and generate a huge eclipse of three days duration. It is also believed that if the amount of photons is too high the electrical power networks and devices that use be destroyed, so that they generate a chaotic globally. Something similar raises the modern series 'Revolution' of known producer JJ Abrams, who was also one of the creators of Lost and Fringe.
Theories about the 3 days of darkness in 2012 are many and quite known, each of us can simply accept or reject them.
And you believe in the 3 days of darkness in 2012 or just think it's a story to cause panic?