Apple has returned defective million smartphones to its main manufacturer, Foxconn, commented one source to China Business. was believed that between 5 and 8 million iPhone units were returned by Foxconn and Apple that they had various defects not specified. Since the manufacturing cost of each phone is about $ 200, Foxconn could lose more than $ 1.5 billion dollars because of this.
There was no mention of what model iPhone is about. The most likely candidate is the iPhone 5, because at this time of year should not yet have many iPhone 5S units manufactured. As is well known, this is not the first time Foxconn has problems with making the famous Apple mobile.
The problems at the manufacturing level could lead to a shortage in the number of iPhones available and thus would lower sales during these weeks, although many analysts suggest that sales of the iPhone 5 also were meant to be lower during the current year quarter, as the launch of a new generation iPhone is expected in the coming months.