Showing posts with label hone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hone. Show all posts

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hone, keychain bluetooth to find the keys to the iPhone


Hone is a project that seeks funding on Kickstarter. This is a Bluetooth-equipped keychain that would locate the keys through an application for iPhone and iPad 4S. Hone's creators have managed to almost $ 46,000 asking to begin manufacturing the device.

Kickstarter is an online platform that seeks to promote 'crowdfunding'. It presents all sorts of projects to try to make the Internet community is encouraged to provide financial capital to materialize the idea. Interested parties explain their project, mark the amount needed to develop and explain the remuneration to be received once the idea is realized.

The 'crowdfunding' can help create devices that large companies have not yet developed but may have a great future. Hone is the case, the idea of ​​two brothers to find the keys at all times. Hone is a ring equipped with Bluetooth, capable of responding to the search request made from an iPhone or a new iPhone 4S.
Many users have experienced more than once not find the keys. The time lost in getting your keys and disruption of having to scramble around the house, car or desk Hone has the solution. This Bluetooth 4.0 wardess used to maintain links with the iPhone or the iPhone. When a user loses his keys, simply go to your mobile device and activate the application of Hone.

By detecting the notice from the application, Hone is activated, warning via a vibrating system, lights and sound on the location of the keys. It is always a way to keep the keys located, as long as you also have the phone or the iPhone.

As salient features, Hone has a battery that promises up to 6 months of autonomy and connection has a range of over 45 meters.

Hone's creators have requested $ 46,000 (36,306.2 euros) to start producing the keychain. Thanks to contributions from visitors to Kickstarter, the project has already exceeded $ 39,000 and is poised to materialize. Those interested can make a contribution, depending on which unit will Hone when to make trades or other offers depending on the amount of money committed.

More information:

- Kickstarter