One of the most famous asteroid Apophis is now, surely you read about the news of all kinds, basically because it is known that the space object is a real threat to life on our planet. These days Apophis is getting closer to Earth and this has led some astronomers to better investigate. The result: they have discovered that it is much larger than thought, has almost twice the mass of what is thought. Therefore, its danger potential increases.
Perhaps someone thinks that the Mayans failed in his prediction for a few days, but the truth is that the distance that Apophis will approach is very large, more than 15 million miles away, so the risk is negligible. However, it is expected that in 2029 close again, but this time only 35,000 miles, or slightly above our heads with a planned crash risk of 2.7%. In fact there are now artificial satellites orbiting Earth at that altitude.
It is possible that in that year the asteroid pose a serious problem to deal with, but the approach is making these days is far enough so that you can not even see it as a bright spot in the sky with the naked eye. If you can use a telescope to see it real or take a look at this virtual telescope from your computer.