It is more than probable that in recent days we have all heard about the 3 days of darkness in 2012 and on December 21, 2012 . As the famous date approaches, more and more people become aware of the rumors, and not only through the social networks and the web, is now a topic that play a lot in the mouths of many.
We can not have complete confidence if we will live three days in the dark or not, but just in case it would not hurt to have on hand some tips in case the event be true. Just do not remember that we have devices such as mobile phones , computers , smartphones and whatever works electrically or rely on electricity to function.
It is likely that many, if sought something about it on the web, have been found with notes on a Tibetan monk who has given some tips to survive the three days of darkness. What advice has given this person? Mainly five:
1) Finish all outstanding issues. He says that to prepare for the changes ahead, we need to end all outstanding issues we have before next December 21 and possibly not leave anything important for the next year.
2) The day before the phenomenon, it would be on December 20 when it happens on schedule, it is recommended that people go to camp if you own a house there, ie, away from the city. It also suggests that we need food and food for at least two months because the power grids would take to be put into operation again.
3) We should not forget to book things like candles for the days of darkness and later, if it is winter and it is also necessary to gather wood for heating and warm.
4) Between 21 and 24, days that supposedly live in the dark, it is recommended that windows with fabric cover ourselves, not to look out and not go out as much as possible outside.
5) When the light is restored, the monk advised us to stay a little longer in the field before returning to the city (if we left the golf course). This is because for a few weeks humanity continue to receive the result of the phenomenon. The lama said that the planet will recover fully only at the end of March.
Something that emphasize various websites is not to go outside and not answer the door. Foods that should be canned and keep similar, remember that having no electricity we can not use refrigerators, so many types of food will become inedible after a few days. A first aid kit is not bad and where possible we must have the full gas bottle. Partner with neighbors and make agreements with them is a good idea. And above all, there remain calm.
If you have any tips you'd like to share, feel free to do so in the comments.