Showing posts with label cube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cube. Show all posts

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Console will open source content Ouya OnLive Store

The console hackable Ouya, made possible in a campaign that kickstarter already grossed nearly $ 5.6 million, has partnered with a major supplier of content for platform game, OnLive, which announced that "hundreds of great games, with quality console "will be available in stand-alone product that should hit the market next year.

With open source programming, the Ouya is based on Android 4.0 and can run applications and games, independent producer or large. According to one charge of the project, the designer Yves Behar , the console will have the size of a Rubik's Cube and have a Tera3 Quad-Core processor, and 1GB of RAM.

The partnership muffles the main criticisms of the project, claiming that anything would be an open hardware he could not run games as complex as the owners of the islands.

The company had already announced a contract with Robert Bowling, largely responsible for the Call of Duty series, so that their next release - the game of zombies Human Element - has exclusivity for Ouya.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Come home satellite into space


In addition to the satellites created by the various space agencies in different countries, also groups of academics and universities have made ​​their own models and many of these are now in orbit around our planet, but here we have a satellite manufacturing home that has been created by the South Korean Song-Ho Jun in their own home .
This man of 34 years spent about $ 500 to create OPENSAT, a small satellite that weighs 1 kilogram and is shaped like a cube. OPENSAT is the result of an idea flashed through his head while working for a private company that manufactures satellites .
Once the small is in orbit, will be able to transmit data using radio and Morse code by LED lights. What may sound a little ironic that the launch will be thousands of times more expensive than satellite, costing about $ 120 million. Fortunately for Mr. Jun, the company will be responsible for carrying NovaNano into space in December.