Showing posts with label magnetic levitation trains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label magnetic levitation trains. Show all posts

Friday, November 30, 2012

This is the fastest commercial train in the world

The modern high-speed trains have proven not only to be very effective, but also tend to side with the ecology . But if it really comes to high speed, then we must focus on magnetic levitation trains, known as maglevs. In Japan has unveiled a new prototype that will be the world's fastest maglev, which also makes it the fastest of all trains.
Those familiar with the railway industry are likely to notice something familiar about the design of this train. This is the first prototype of a train that is intended to travel between Tokyo and Nagoya. Like any maglev, this small requires special track that goes round and slightly raised, allowing you to earn a higher rate than ordinary trains as it has no friction with the tracks.
The train will have seating for 846 passengers in total and is divided into 14 sections. It is estimated to be used fresh start in 2027.