The iPad is the king in the market for tablets. This has been true since the device was launched in mid-2010 almost. You may remember that a couple of years ago, Microsoft introduced a kind of table touch named Surface (yes, he had the same name as the tablet now), but it was not very successful, especially for its price of $ 10,000.
Now, following the example of Microsoft, people of Universal Mind has introduced a new touch table that is made entirely of iPads. Specifically, this device has 15 iPads to share a wireless connection and use an application that displays all act as if they were one.
What is the approximate price of one of these? For about $ 6000, but we must clarify that used iPads are the second generation, so no Retina display here. With 15 iPads and an app as free Mobile Multi Display table we muster our own touch. If space in your home is not enough, you might want to try with 15 iPad Mini, in which case the cost would be reduced to about $ 5000 dollars.
What we are not sure of is how the tablets were operated with that app, because apparently it is developed for iPod and iPhone only.
Universal Mind So far no plans to launch a commercial model.