Showing posts with label Robot Addons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robot Addons. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cleaning your home with the new Roomba

After founding the company Robot Addons, Barry Stout Lycnh and decided to create a new product can make a difference in the market, using technology to raise robots work better skills home with better practicality and efficiency. Thus was born the new product line freshener Vacuum Roomba .

Rarely have the opportunity to watch an accessory with the features of Roomba, which was designed to make life less complicated by giving us the benefit of the robotic exercise.

But before extolling the virtues of Roomba, the first thing to do is to define what is the role of vacuum fresheners that emit a pleasant odor during suction, leaving a scent that radiates throughout the room.

Although many Roomba could be defined as a simple appliance, some experts have not hesitated to assert their technical quality which has a robotic structure to implement a multiple operation that focuses on the emission of odors in different flavors.

Roomba vacuums

Roomba is integrated into the slots where the air is often beyond the vacuum, allowing odors to disperse in the most remote areas of a room. Each product has a packet of pills with aromas suggestive as the sun, sand, blocks and clean cotton.

The new gadget is available in the market at a cost of $ 25, while the additional parts are for sale at $ 20