Surely, there are many applications notes and reminders in store Play of Google for us to lower our Mobile Apps . Recently, the search engine company has launched its own app for notes and reminders , call Keep Google Evernote is undoubtedly the application of this area most often used, but it never hurts to opt for some other, much less if it comes from one of the leading Internet companies in the world.
Keep us to remember all those ideas that suddenly spring to mind with its brilliant and colorful virtual notes, you can also make voice recordings and also if we need to remember something more "visual" also lets us take pictures and then watch them from application.
What are the pros of Keep? First of all, its user interface is ridiculously simple to use and is very intuitive. The files are stored in the Google Drive service, so we can even do a synchronization with another device later. Moreover, if we use Android 4.2 or later can use your function to lock the screen, which allows to quickly take a note, a picture or make an audio recording.