In the month of August, Lenovo made the official presentation of the new Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 2, a very promising device equipped with good technology and run with Windows 8. Some of its specifications include an 8 megapixel camera, a 10.1-inch display with resolution of 1366 × 768 and a 10-hour battery life, among other things.
At the time, the company did not disclose the price it would have the device, but it was estimated between $ 600 and $ 700. Now the price has finally been confirmed and has left us a little surprised: $ 800.
Sounds a bit expensive, right? Well at least the tablet will come with a physical keyboard and have Office 2013. If we leave this aside, it is clear that the cost of the device would have to lose at least $ 650 each.
The official launch of the ThinkPad Tablet 2 is Oct. 26.