Showing posts with label edit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label edit. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Customize your Blogger entries by permanent links

A few months ago we introduced a new package of SEO to help your blog entries and images are accurately indexed to display correctly in search results. Today we are pleased to introduce new functionality that allows them to customize their search preferences more effectively: the custom permalinks. When writing a post, Blogger automatically generates a permanent link based on the post title. So far, the authors of a blog had no control over the permanent link, ie on the web address of your publications. Custom permanent links offer more control over your blog and its entries. These new custom links also provide readers with more information about the entry while viewing search results.

To create your own URL for a specific entry, simply select "Custom URL" and enter the new URL in the field below. If you wrote the entry in July 2012, the new URL will look like: URLCUSTOM . html

The part in bold ( URLCUSTOM ) is the portion of the URL that can be modified before posting your entry. This will allow them to include in the URL a few key words of the title that may not appear in the URL generated automatically. This may be more descriptive URLs that best represent the content of your post. If the custom permalink chose already exists, Blogger will seek one that is free, or may modify it yourself to make it unique. For now, the characters allowed in a custom URL are limited to: az. AZ, 0-1. The only special characters available include the underscore, the dash and period. can find more information about the custom permalinks our Help Center .

Friday, April 20, 2012

PicMonkey Indy Image


If you are a fan of the photo editing site, Picnik, then you may be wondering what to use when Picnik moves across to Google+ on the 19th April.  Well I think I’ve found one possible solution.  It’s called PicMonkey and offers a very similar set of tools that Picnik used to offer.
I was like a giddy kid in the sweetshop when I came across it and couldn’t help but play around with the site.  Here is a photograph of some daffodils that I’ve enhanced with PicMonkey.  The daffodils were not your usual golden trumpet ones but were an unusual shade of peach and cream.

PicMonkey is an online photo editing tool that allows you to simply drag photos across onto your browser to begin tweaking things without messing around with logging onto the site.

To get started using PicMonkey you can upload an image by simply dragging it from your desktop to the PicMonkey editor. From there you can change things like saturation, contrast, size, and sharpness. You can then add custom frames and special effects like "Polaroid style" to your images. Want to add text to your images? PicMonkey provides a slew of font styles for your use. And if you have just one tiny part of an image that you want to enhance or obscure, PicMonkey gives you tools for that too.

Once you've uploaded a photo you can start using the tools down the left-hand side. There are basic adjustments, like cropping, rotating and sharpening tools, as well as a huge selection of frames and textures. If you like touching up your photos you'll find a number of options to make your face look even more beautiful, like Blemish Fix and Spray Tan.  However, we're most excited about all of the awesome filters, like Warhol, Lomo, HDR, Sepia and Cross Process, which can all be adjusted and customised.