Showing posts with label mac. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mac. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Jailbreak now available for iOS 6

This insurance is something that many were waiting and probably also put a little angry at Apple. Evad3rs hackers team has released the promised jailbreak tool for iOS devices 6. The tool, known as evasi0n, available for Windows, Mac and Linux and supports any version of iOS 6 to 6.1 inclusive.

Compatible devices are those that support iOS 6, ie the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch, fourth and fifth generation of the iPad 2, the iPad 3, iPad 4 and finally the iPad Mini. The second generation of Apple TVs are also supported, but should not be full HD models.

As requirements, users need to have Mac OS X 10.5 or later, Windows need to have at least XP and those using a Linux distro require x86 or x86_64. As advice, Evad3rs team recommends making a backup of your data before performing the operation, disable the use of passwords and not use locking the device for anything other than the jailbreak process while it takes place.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Java and Adobe are the main targets of hackers and malware in 2013

The next year, according to research conducted by Panda Security, vulnerabilities of software will be the main target for cybercriminals. In particular, Java and Adobe will become the main targets of hackers.
The guys said Panda, in 2012, Java was compromised multiple times and used to infect a wide variety of users, and the software is installed on millions of devices of all kinds. Other software has also been very committed is Adobe Acrobat Reader ie, Flash, etc. and there are also several security flaws at. Adobe applications are also abused by hackers to infect all types of devices.
At the level of web sites that could suffer more attacks are Facebook and Twitter, given its growing popularity and the large amount of users they have, not to mention all the information flowing through them. Panda also suggests more careful with Skype.
In addition, warnings to stay safe are also Mac users who rely heavily on their platform but perhaps keep a few surprises next year.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Bad Piggies come to iOS and Android on September 27

Rovio, the company that developed Angry Birds, has just revealed the release date of the new Bad Piggies, available as app for Android, iOS and Mac since 27 September, but will also be coming to other platforms as Windows will 8, although there is still no confirmed date for the latter.
Rovio CEO Mikael Hed said "there are a lot of empathy for these adorable little pigs, and continually asked us what's the story about the pigs. Bad Piggies gives you the chance to play as the second most beloved characters of the universe Angry Birds and explore it through the eyes of pigs. "
As said, in this game there will be no slingshot / catapult and the gameplay is very different from what we are accustomed.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Walking Dead IOS

Well chic 's today I come to speak of a super game of comic Walking Dead that has become popular mega serial with the same name, right now this fashion so zombie wave in the app store will find games of all kinds and all ages, but today we'll talk about the version for iphone, ipod touch, iphone.
This game just came out for PC, Mac, PS3 and X360 on 24 April this year and for the iphone, ipod touch and iphone this past July 26.

The story is not typical as the Resident Evil games and Silent Hill in this game we have options to do and say and according to what we do or say will give the story. The story is not the same as the comic or series. It is based on the character Lee Evereth that if you run into characters from the comic but is not the same story, is that Lee is being transferred to prison when he gives all the apocalypse. and will not say more because I take the joke to the game. The graphics are magnificent, the game is a bit limited and parent chapters expensive since the game costs $60 pesos to the first chapter and other chapters of the 2-5 one can buy at a price of $180.
The first chapter in one sitting you just what is fast for my taste I wish it was longer.
The options are very limited and has a huge but is not in Spanish and English is important to know or at least something of the order to decide what to say or understand the characters say.
This is the menu of the game is very simple and can be very frightening to hear music, I recommend that you begin to play with headphones to enhance experience.

In the section of the package will sell episodes for $ 180 pesos the other 4 chapters that have not yet come.
The story is interesting because Evereth Lee meets a girl named Clementine and as decided during the game will decide things like whether to keep the child, the care etcetc ..

The way to decide what we mean is playing the dialogue, sometimes you get time to reply personally sometimes it takes one to read the dialogues and time is running out very fast and can barely choose an option. Well it all depends on how fast you are to read and especially English.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

New expansion of World of Warcraft 'arrives on September 25

"RPG online environments and brings characters to look more oriental.
Expansion 'Mists of Pandaria' will cost $ 80 for PC and Mac"

The new expansion of the online RPG "World of Warcraft" will be released on September 25, developer Blizzard has announced on Wednesday (25). Called "Mists of Pandaria", the next expansion brings environments and characters with a easternmost air, reminding the Chinese culture.

The further expansion of online RPG with support for multiple simultaneous players (MMORPG) will cost $ 40 for PC and Mac version "Deluxe" will be sold for $ 60, according to Blizzard's announcement this Wednesday (25).

In Brazil, the expansion will cost $ 80 version and the "Deluxe" will cost $ 100.
A luxury version, and includes the game, you have a flying mount for the character (Imperial Quilen), a mascot (Lucky Quilen Cub), portraits of for use in "Starcraft II" Infested Orc and Night Elf Templar and design a flag for "Diablo III" based on "WoW".
There is also a collector's version will be sold for $ 80, which will have DVD and Blu-Ray scenes with the development of the game, soundtrack, art book with 208 pages, mouse pad with the image of the game.
There will be a new continent called Pandaria and a new race, the Pandaren, reminiscent of panda bears. The limit of characters will be increased to 90, there will be a new system of "talents", the new class "Monk" and more challenges for players of the MMO. The pets that accompany the player in the world of Azeroth could come in clashes in the new expansion.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Google Earth 3D comes to iOS : Viewer program gets update to the local mobile operating system

The Google on Thursday released an update of the program Google Earth to iOS, adding some interesting features like allowing the visualization of some world cities such as Rome and New York, in three dimensions.

The appeal must reach out to personal computers by the end of the year when the company expects to deliver new versions for Windows and Mac.

Another innovative feature is the application of the "tour guide", which indicates interesting towns to visit around the world and allows users to exploit through its visualization system with satellite photos. See the promotional video of the new app: 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Review: Mountain Lion is the platform more social Macs

The most visible changes shows that the company is encouraging a new experience with the system, leading people to interpret the Mac as an extension of mobile devices. So much so that computers put in three applications that were previously only seen in iOS: Reminders, Notes and Messages. With the first, you can create alerts that will be displayed in other gadgets apple, if the Mac itself, you will make use of other big news: the Central Notification.

The Mountain Lion comes with a sidebar that displays a range of reports. New e-mails, reminders, messages, appointments in Calendar, updating applications ... everything appears in a single space. To check the task list, just click a small icon in the upper right corner of the screen, then the Central Notification appears pushing the desktop to the side.

The version 10.8 of OS used in Macs was released for download on Wednesday (25/07), then install OS X the famous Mountain Lion here to show what is most important among the more than 200 updates.

Soon after the installation process (which takes about two hours), the user is already faced with the first - and important - news: the "welcome" of OS X 10.8. The startup configuration is iCloud, which becomes available to Mac users this means that you can share virtually all products from Apple with the help of the cloud.


The bar contains what is perhaps the biggest highlight of this new version of OS X. That way you can write tweets, and soon there will also be connecting with Facebook (something about which more later). We can set this to highlight why sharing is a word that defines well the Mountain Lion - throughout the system were adopted ways to spread content.

When you open the Finder, for example, the owner of the machine note the novelty of two ways: there is a button "Share selected items" and also a "Share" that appears when you right click on something is triggered. The file type defines the possibility of dissemination, such as audio and video, which can not be sent to Twitter but you can send them by e-mail, or airdrop.

In total there are nine options for sharing applications, including Safari (which is now in version 6), Photo Booth, QuickTime, iPhoto and Preview. You have to exchange files via e-mail, messaging, airdrop, Twitter, Vimeo, Flickr and soon on Facebook. And the site of Mark Zuckerberg received a great emphasis on the operating system.


There will be a great Mac-Facebook integration from now. The social network will have a number of funds with the OS X 10.8. When you log into the site by the system, the user takes all the contacts into the Mac and, thus, the birth dates are to appear in the Calendar

As we mentioned before, status updates can be made directly by the Central Notification - as well as adding photos to albums. And the sidebar also show site activity.

The Mountain Lion is definitely more social than the previous version and connection with the Facebook came to cover a hole, since the applications to control the network by Mac are not the best. In the case of Twitter, a timeline that shows the integration efficiently is able to kill the application's official Twitter, which already works quite well.

Overall, the system houses more than 200 new features, so if you decide to upgrade your Mac, tell us what features you most attention.

Windows 8 vs. Mountain Lion: What operating system succeeded in bringing the mobile to the desktop?

Meanwhile, Microsoft had higher aspirations: Windows 8 will run on your desktop and laptop as it does on your tablet is unlike anything I've done before.
Let's take a closer look at each one, to try to get a better idea of what the system is ahead.
We begin
The Home Screen Windows 8

The differences between Windows 8 and Mountain Lion are evident from the moment you start.
When launched Windows 8, we saw something completely different: Instead of the common Start menu, toolbar and Windows Explorer, you have a Home Screen, which consists of a square and rectangular icons with your apps called Live Tiles (give more detail below).
  Windows 8

By default, the Home screen displays each application you installed on your PC, but you can choose what and what not to appear there.
You are not restricted with the Apps: you can put other objects on the screen, including booksmarks of your favorite sites and contacts in your address book.
Windows 8 will run also in the traditional computer applications, and will do in a desktop environment that resembles the layout of Windows 7.
You probably take a while to get used to the new environment, especially after all applications have Metro.
Launchpad in OS X

When you first enter a Mountain Lion, you will see the typical desktop OS X, the menu above, the OS X Dock on a button and a photo topic of space as desktop wallpaper.
By clicking on the search icon in the Dock will open the Finder window to locate files and folders. Mountain Lion has a strong approach to the Home screen: Launchpad. With Launchpad obtain a presentation as the iPad with icons for your programs, which makes it easier to locate and access them. Although the IOS runs Launchpad, Mountain Lion feels and looks like a Mac, not an iPad.

Notifications and Live Tiles

The home screen of Windows 8 is more like an app with Live Tiles.
In addition, Live Small Tiles act as informational widgets. Applying Climate Bing, for example, shows weather out, while the Live Tile for Cut The Rope game shows your status in the game.

OS X does not have a special feature that compares to Live Tiles, but includes features similar notification.
Dock icons may show numerous warnings if an application needs your attention, for example, if you have three unread messages, the Mail icon will be displayed.
Notification Mountain Lion alert

Notifications Center in Mountain Lion is a compilation of statements from various applications.
You can see the Notifications Center from anywhere with a simple touch, or giving the start menu click search on your desktop When you give a notification list for each application. Programs may also appear in pop-up style banner that will appear in the top corner. These banners appear at the top whenever you're doing something else on the screen, and will disappear in a few moments.
Windows 8 has pop-up notifications to complement Live Tiles, and have a lot of what has Montain Lion: They also have notices that appear in the top corner of the screen and stay there a while.

Comparison Applications
Windows Marketplace is clean and attractively designed
Although still very low for many applications, Microsoft Windows Marketplace is attractive and well designed.
From one point of view is quite similar to the Mac App Store: apps are organized into categories, shopping applications with one click and you can view or post user reviews. Although it is too early, we can say that the Windows Marketplace has an advantage over the App Store: test applications. Yes, you can test an application for a period of time before you decide to buy it.


Although we have a clear idea of gesture support for Mountain Lion, do not know yet what we see in Windows 8.
Mountain Lion allows you to use a trackpad to a number of actions, for example, you can use three fingers to open your applications, or turn left or right with three fingers to change desktop or viewing in full screen. If you have the touch sensor Apple Magic Mouse can use some of these functions.
While Windows 8 has some moves by the time they are all for tablets and touch-screen computers.

We do not know what the gestures that have Windows 8 for laptops.
So far it's all in the air, but last year showed a Synaptics touchpad friendly Windows 8 that accepts various gestures.
File Manager

With Mountain Lion, Apple has a small advantage in the Finder, the file manager for OS X.
It looks and works much like you do with Lion-if you're using Windows Explorer or an earlier version of Mac OS X, do not take long to know how to use the form on Lion Mountain.
Microsoft may have worked hard with the interface of Metro, but any progress with the file manager still needs more work and use the traditional Windows Explorer.
Fortunately, Windows 8, Explorer had an update: now features Ribbon toolbar makes access to common features easier
Switching between Metro and the traditional Windows Explorer is just a bit bumpy and frustrating, so we expect Microsoft to do something to make the Metro file management simpler.

icloud and Windows Live

Windows 8 and Mountain Lion are cloud service from Microsoft and Apple, respectively.
Both let you synchronize your data with different devices, and both include some online storage services.
Windows Live is everywhere with Windows 8.
You can access Windows 8 using your Windows Live ID. This will let you sync multiple PC settings through Windows 8 devices, and you can access your account on SkyDrive.
Also, when accessing for the first time a Mountain Lion will ask you to enter your account information icloud.
From there you can sync email, contacts, calendars, notes, reminders, and recent photos through your Macs and IOS devices.

The Mountain Lion has new documents is the cloud, which allows you to store your documents in the icloud service from Apple. If you have a icloud, you can save your documents directly on a hard drive, if your applications to take information from this feature.

At first glance Documenmtos in the Cloud Mountain Lion is silly and stupid, you can access any document stored in the cloud through the Finder, for example. We hope that these characteristics are improved. icloud is free and comes with 5GB of storage, but you can buy additional storage.

With SkyDrive, Microsoft has a subtle and more traditional approach: Using SkyDrive using a separate application through which you can access to everything you saved on SkyDrive. It is also free but limits you to 25GB of storage. 
What about the tablets?

One of the major points in favor of Windows 8 is that it has "commitments" this operating system runs on your desktop, laptop, tablet PC or touch screen. This advantage is useful when you have to pass your information from one device to another.

On the other hand, Apple still has a big difference between the IOS of mobile devices and Macs. Despite the strong influence on their computers, OS X is OS X. It seems that Apple's philosophy is to keep each system in its authenticity, and some characteristics between the devices are similar and family.

Microsoft seems to want that the tablets are an extension of the PC, while Apple seems to be only a support for Macs. Resumámoslo well, Microsoft wants the tablets represent the next step in the evolution of the PC, not a separate category.

Both Apple and Microsoft are trying to bring the features of their mobile operating systems to the corresponding desktop OS, but their attempts are quite different.

Originally, Mac OS X is still an operating system designed for desktops and laptops. Sure, Apple has added features of IOS, but OS X is still based on windows, menus, folders, and so on. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Supersonic Patriot XT Rage, a great USB 3.0

If you are looking for a flash memory interface with USB 3.0 , large storage capacity and quality, then you found, and is the Patriot Supersonic XT Rage, which is available in 32GB and 64GB also.
The Patriot Supersonic XT Rage offers a read speed and write 180MB/s ,50MB/s respectively, and also has a NAND controller / IC.
The Patriot Supersonic Rage XT is compatible with both Windows and Linux and Macs

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mountain Lion OS X goes on sale today

For users of a Mac, it's as if Christmas had arrived in July. It happens that OS X Mountain Lion, also known as OS X 10.8, will be available from today July 25.
For $ 20, will be able to get hold of Mountain Lion only in the Mac App Store. Remember also that if someone bought a Mac after June 11, the upgrade will be free.
Mountain Lion OS X adds a strong focus on our Mac with your iPhone or iPad, and all notices, including messages and reminders, can be sincornizados between devices. It also makes it easier to share content on Twitter, Flickr and Vimeo. CEO Tom Cook said the operating system has a 200 new features, but keep in mind that is available only to those who possess or OS X Snow Leopard OS X Lion.

This small LED to notify us of the arrival of a tweet, mail and more

A group of programmers have created this LED that serves as a kind of notification system.
The device is called Blink (1) and is an LED that is connected to our computer or laptop via a USB port. We can program it to notify us of the arrival of mails, notifications of new tweets and Facebook, we also know when a download is completed and it will show us the change of weather. They have designed several apps to complement the device and the user can be notified of the things they think are important.
Blink (1) cost $30 and available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Android phones will LibreOffice

LibreOffice, for those who do not know, is the largest competitor that has the Office of Microsoft today, and is present in the operating systems of computers world's most popular, which are Windows, Linux and Mac. seems that also the suite now also LibreOffice will have a version for the Android mobile operating system.
As you can see in the picture below, the app is doing well under way, but is just taking its first steps, so surely the first version to be released in a couple of months, but hopefully with less delay, especially if improving the interface with touch screens, which apparently is what is giving more problems to the development team.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How can i download a video from youtube?

YouTube has been designed to only allow users to watch and view videos on their website. Many users want to save their favorite videos to their computer so they can watch them without being connected to the Internet or so they can watch them on other devices. Below are the steps required for downloading and watching YouTube videos on your computer for free.

Today, there are several online websites,software that allow you to enter the URL of the video you wish to save to your computer, and get a link to download the file. Below is a method...How to download video from youtube.

Method 1 : Web Download

Method 2 : Special Tip
add "kick" in url of youtube
It go to and You Can Download it !

Method 3 : Use Programs
I recommend you to try AnyMP4 YouTube Downloader.

This YouTube Downloader can help you download all online videos from all popular websites. You just need to open the video on the website, and this program will begin the recording automatically.

Moreover, AnyMP4 YouTube Downloader can convert both the downloaded video and the local video to most popular video and audio formats, such as MPEG-4, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AVI, MOV, MP4, DivX, XviD, WMV, 3GP, MKV, FLV, VOB, and HD video etc. with high speed and excellent image/sound quality.

In addition, this Video Converter could convert video to most popular portable devices, such as iPad (iPad 2), iPhone iPod, PSP, Zune, mobile phone, PVP, PDA, NDS, Apple TV, Xbox 360, PS3, etc.

Thus, with it, you can download a video from youtube and convert it to WMV, then you can put it in the windows movie maker.

Watching a FLV video on your computer

Once the .flv file has been downloaded to your computer, you'll need a player that supports .flv files. Below are a few suggestions.
VLC media player
Windows Media Player
Microsoft Windows users also have the ability of playing FLV files in Windows Media player with the right codec. Downloading and installing the CCCP codec will install this codec, as well as many other codecs you'll likely need in the future.

Converting the YouTube video to a different movie format

There are dozens of different software programs and online services available that will allow you to convert FLV files into another format. Below is a short listing of some of the free services and products we recommend.
Vixy - Another great online service that allows you to download and save YouTube video files to another format.

You may google it and have a try by yourself.
Good luck to you
Rating by Author :
Techveger : Traveler in Technology
Download Youtube Review Rating: 5 out of 5
Comment By Admin : "Download in 1 Minute"
Talk to me in : Google+
Date : 2012/05/17

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Wow ! Connect iPhone to Computer in 1 minute ?

Since the latest update of iTunes 9.1, some users are experiencing an issue with the software i-FunBox.
iFunBox, iPhone File Manager

i-FunBoX is a utility for all users who wish to connect their jailbroken or not jailbroken iPhone to their computer with USB cable and then they have a great rate of transfer.

i-Funbox Full Version Free Download

  • Download the latest version of i-FunBox for Windows.
  • Connect your iDevice to your computer.
  • It's can send Game,Music,Apps (And Edit something !)
How to Use and Install iFUNBOX

Funbox v1.9 ( newest version today "17/04/12 ") is ready for download. The New iPad is now recognized and file transfer is also optimized for the new device. App inspection is a new feature introduced in this version, which allows you easily inspect the installed apps for checking their potential of leaking your private information. App file sharing support is also added. You can now easily access the document folder of Apps that supports “File Sharing”. App Inspection will check the iOS APIs that used by particular App. We focus on APIs that might expose your private information, consume 3G data and potentially have annoying user experience. To check a list of App capabilities, right-click on one App and select the [App Inspection] as:

Is The Software IFunBox Safe?
Ans: NO, you will NOT get a virus. I use iFunbox all the time, no harm.
As for your parent "giving you apps off his ipod with USB" you can't install those. iTunes installs apps from compressed files that say .ipa. I don't know if your uncle knows what he's doing, but even if he does there's NO WAY to install apps that you didn't buy without jailbreaking, and the apps have to be cracked, too (remove some kind of seal/signature).

(i-Funbox for mac)

Good Luck :)