Showing posts with label governments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label governments. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Elon Musk said that 12 or 15 years we will have colonies on Mars


Elon Musk, for those who do not know, is the cofounder of PayPal, SpaceX founder and Tesla Motors founder also, and some people consider it the real world Tony Stark. Leaving that aside, and going to what we want, Mr. Musk believes that in about 15 years will be possible to have colonies on Mars. Before the arrival of Curiosity to Mars in days past, it was estimated that these colonies would become a reality only in 30 years, but in a few days things have changed.
In their visions of Martian colonization, Musk hopes to send people to Mars in 15 years. And do not talk about scientists and astronauts, but people like you and me. Of course this requires a large sum of money estimated at $ 500,000, and it is likely that you, like me, do not be such an amount of money to invest in space travel.
Probably the first people (not astronauts) to set foot on Mars are sent by governments and corporations, or it could be some billionaire who wants to spend a couple of months in space as it reaches the red planet.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Skype denies in talks clips


Those responsible for Skype denied on Friday that made ​​changes in the terms of service for voice over IP to allow clips of calls between its users. According to reports published this week, the change would be a requirement for governments of different countries and serve to assist the police in investigations confidential.

The charges arose after the company was bought by the giant Microsoft, which recently filed a patent for the surveillance of conversations in voice over IP programs. In addition, Skype would have secretly changed its terms of use, and migrated to a system supernodos, which would facilitate access to conversations.

However, Skype's chief development officer, Mark Gillett, said the allegations are "false." "The move to the super was not made ​​to facilitate access to communications of our users and not to cooperate with the authorities," said a post on his blog .

According to Gillett, the super help the stability of the Skype network, allowing people to be located on the servers of the tool and a connection with another contact is established.

To better understand the case, read the charges against Skype and Microsoft this week.