A couple of students from the St. Petersburg Academy have created a magical function for our smartphone . What does this function? It allows us to switch between two different versions of Android with just pressing a button. This kind of creation could be very useful for developers and also for those wishing to try a new version of Android without compromise to have running on your phone now. Of course, before you start using this feature, anyone will investigate how to perform a full backup of everything you have on your smartphone today.
Some great about all this is that each version of Android maintains its own data and files .If you have installed an application on a version just sits there, not replicated to the other. It is as if we have Linux and Windows at the same time in our PC: each retains its own operating system and file information without affecting the other.
The smartphone used in the video is a Galaxy S II from Samsung. Currently the team is also working with a Nexus S.