Showing posts with label Bill Gates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Gates. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bill Gates is not satisfied with the innovations of Microsoft

Former CEO and co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, has said he does not feel very satisfied with what your company has done lately. As he says, is not very comfortable with the "innovations", especially in the mobile sector, where it has taken a couple of years to enter.

Charlie Rose for CBS This Morning asked Gates what he thought about the work and performance of Steve Ballmer as CEO of Microsoft, to which he replied that he and Ballmer are two of the most self-criticism could imagine. Bill Gates said he was satisfied with the leadership of Ballmer at the launch of Windows 8, the Surface and with the changes to Bing and the Xbox 360, but still not enough. He and the CEO are still satisfied, really believe that they are not doing everything at your fingertips.

Gates also talked a bit about his philanthropy, and said he was very interested in innovative projects and power generation mainly education, and also said that his charity work is largely based on the responses of the people, which can see what have been as effective projects.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Bill Gates talks about the future of technology, his friendship with Steve Jobs and other things

Bill Gates, the co-founder and former CEO of Microsoft has been out of the news of the tech world for a while in recent years. Instead, the billionaire has decided to devote himself to philanthropy, which is also very good. He recently decided to open up a little and give some words to Reddit.

When asked about the impending changes you expect to see in the technology industry, spoke about robotics, screens and voice commands, and referred to these elements change computers as we know them. In short, we can begin to interact with our computers in new ways.

About the type of device or computer you are currently using, the answer was quite obvious Gates: A Surface Pro having a week ago and it works great. Apart from this, it also has a touch screen Perceptive Pixel giant that runs Windows 8, and we wonder if it will be similar to Steve Ballmer. Also worth noting that Gates admitted to using every one of the Macs that Apple has produced.

Someone asked what his life would have been if Microsoft had not succeeded, to which he replied that probably would have focused on medicine or mathematics, but not quite sure about it.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Urinal for children with iPad included, for future Bill Gates

I can personally say that teaching a child to handle a computer goes through before letting a monitor with a mouse and keyboard in hand, leave it alone for an hour and when you come back you know handle it better. This innate tendency in smaller seems to have a great future in commercial because they have even invented the first potty (that I know) that comes with iPad included.

The funny thing is that the pot is designed for those children who can not yet speak or crawl and probably still is, that seems like a surefire way to keep them entertained while they are doing their physiological needs plus they are introduced to computing environments. On the other hand it also seems a way to go training them for a future in which they will spend more time looking at a screen doing something else.

If you would sell it for about 30 euros (obviously, the iPad or the tablet you want to use is not included, if not I would have asked me a couple), but for now no idea where you might find it because currently it is another of those curious inventions coming from CES2013 lately.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Microsoft employees have donated more than $ 1 billion dollars

For many months Bill Gates did not have a role in the conferences and events of Microsoft , Ballmer being the main star for most of the time. Still, Gates recently appeared at an event of the company along with the aforementioned Steve Ballmer. The reason for the presence of Gates was because billionaire announced that it has achieved a goal that Microsoft established 30 years ago, and it was that the donations of employees reach an amount of $ 1,000 million, which finally been achieved.
Through the years, 31,000 nonprofit groups have benefited from this grant program from Microsoft, which has been described by Ballmer as incredible.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Bill Gates rejected the idea of ​​a tablet in 1998

Microsoft had the idea of creating an e-reader in 1998, but the project was rejected by Bill Gates.
The information came to light in a report by Vanity Fair with some ex-employees of Microsoft, and was confirmed by the executive, which at the time was the president of the company, during the interview with a North American channel program PBS , occurred on Monday.
According to Gates, the idea of a touch tablet had already occurred "long before" the rise of the iPad, made ​​by Apple. But, the project offered at the time was just "a little good" in the opinion of the co-founder of Microsoft.
According to a MS programmer, Gates would not have approved the device interface for not "seem" enough to Windows.
"The tablets we had made ​​before were so thin, and not as attractive as they would later," Gates said during the interview, which also revealed as Steve Jobs, the Apple co-founder knew of manufacturing the same . "He did some things better than me," he stated.
The Surface, the tablet announced by Microsoft on June 18, will be a chance for the company to be inserted permanently in this market. According to the executive, with this device the company will have "something that can change the rules again."

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Creator of Amazon, Jeff Bezos donates $ 2.5 million in favor of gay marriage

 Jeff Bezos

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos will make a hefty donation - $ 2.5 million - to lobby for the legalization of gay marriage in the U.S. capital of Washington. The vote on the so-called 'Referendum 74' is scheduled for next November 6, when it will decide the fate of gay couples in the state and the next U.S. president.

Besides Bezos, persons engaged in the technology industry as Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer, both from Microsoft, also made donations to the campaign (U.S. $ 100 000 each). Companies like Google, Facebook and Electronic Arts helped fund the campaign.

In the latest research on the subject, 51% of respondents said they were in favor of gay marriage and 42% said they were against the law.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Bill Gates make eReaders rejected because "it looked like Windows"

The president of Microsoft, Bill Gates, first saw a prototype electronic book in 1998. However, the second richest man in the world, dismissed the idea that Microsoft will develop and market them as "not at all like Windows" and because he believed a touchscreen device would never be able to compete with physical keyboards .

Considering that Bill Gates is number two according to the Forbes list of richest men in the world, Microsoft has not come into the market for eReaders is not affecting him too much in your bank account, although it is an industry that moves billions of dollars worldwide. However, it was one of the first he had in his hands the possibility to check what it was an electronic book, but did not quite convince.

In 1998 a group of engineers Gates showed a prototype of eReader, but Bill Gates rejected the idea because "it looked nothing like Windows," according to an article in Vanity Fair picked up by the British newspaper The Telegraph. Gates also said that it was a device "unimportant" because he thought the touchscreen devices would never be able to compete with physical keyboards.

Gates told his engineers to forget about this project and should focus on other more important, as they rejected other ideas as to develop a system of microblogging like Twitter, says the paper.

Years later, in 2007, the first eReader, Amazon launched included a physical keyboard, so Gates was not misguided in their thinking. However, Microsoft also has yielded to the touch screens, yes, not for electronic books but for 'tablets', launching her own range of 'tablets' called Surface.

Related links:

- The Telegraph (