Showing posts with label smart watch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smart watch. Show all posts

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Android team is working on a SmartWatch

And we play the theme of smartwatchs . I think it must be the fourth or fifth time this week to talk about it.
According to some reports, Google would be looking at the possibility of creating their own smart watch . As stated, this device is being developed by Android division and insurance company that would last technology given its provenance. What is striking is that Android is who is responsible for this and not the people of X Lab , where Glass glasses were developed, but perhaps this section has much work and time that Glass has not yet been released. In any case, the reports add to the already existing smartwatchs being created by Apple andSamsung.
Google's new project still would not have a release date set, if it finally hits the market. There are very few details about the watch, and the fact that Android is the team who developed SmartWatch could indicate that the gadget would be a cheap, at least compared with the glasses.
Today, the market smartwatchs models are few and do not attract much attention, so maybe some of the giants of the technology industry should release one for the general interest grow.