Showing posts with label Ubicomp 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ubicomp 2012. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mentally controlled Quadcopter is developed in China

Control objects with our mind insurance is something we have all longed to do. In Zhejiang University in China, was created a quadcopter that can be controlled by our thoughts. To accomplish this, the user must wear a kind of electroencephalograph and different thoughts ("right", "a little to the left", "extreme left", among others) may control the quadcopter. But that's not all, because the device can also take pictures every time we blink.
Known by the name of Buddy Fly 2, the system uses Bluetooth to connect the electroencephalograph with a laptop , which in turn connects to the quadcopter via WiFi. The project will be officially presented at Ubicomp 2012 from 5 to 8 September.