Showing posts with label password. Show all posts
Showing posts with label password. Show all posts

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Turn your Wi-Fi password in a QR code

If you want a truly secure WiFi network then you have no choice but to resort to measures such as using one of those very long passwords consist of letters and numbers. This adds an extra point security, but sometimes the problem is just remembering this password or share it with friends or colleagues at the office. A Reddit user thought a quick fix: turn your WiFi password in a QR code and then print it out and hang it on the wall in a visible place:

From here, anyone interested in connecting to the wireless network only has to use a QR code reader on your smartphone to get the password quickly. If you think the idea good enough to apply in your case here that have created a website where QR code is generated automatically. Just go here to the form, enter the data and press the 'Generate QR Code WiFi', then save and print the generated image.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The password of the Central Bank of France was: 123456

There was a time when the password was something I did not pay much attention. Visitors simply did not have much knowledge about half what they were driving and were not aware of the importance of a hard to guess password. However, this does not happen today, less serious if we talk about large companies and organizations. Really? It seems that it is not, at least in all cases.

It turns out that a French citizen almost inadvertently broke the security of the Central Bank of France in the most absurd possible. This man tried to access a website where data are collected from people who have had problems in paying their loans, basically a file of defaulters.

When encountering a typical login screen asking you to enter a password. At this point not think of anything else to write the typical '123456 ', probably thinking it would not work because how to use a bank a password easy to guess?

The surprise was that this man was that the password was correct and could be accessed without problems. The second surprise is that he has been accused of hacking the central bank.

One wonders what other similar organizations have security systems so low that even the passwords are safe.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Watch Cuevana plugin

Many hours ago has begun to spread the news about a malicious content in a web plugin famous. As you know, the plugin is used to view films and series in the above page, but has malicious content and is dedicated to stealing passwords to web level, involving those used to access our email accounts, our account Facebook and almost anywhere you have accessed through the Firefox browser. Yes, it seems that this vulnerability is only present in the version of the plugin for Firefox and Chrome extension that must be downloaded from the Chrome Web Store, so apparently there are no risks.
Extension problems were found by a user Forocoches . Cuevana further recommends changing passwords, those who use Firefox and have installed the plugin in the past two weeks I desintalen and upgrade to the new version. Obviously Cuevana recognizes that this problem is not his doing and believe that someone managed to insert the code in the plugin. The Twitter account of the site's rather developments.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Ninth digit in SP: Understand how this change will work


From this Sunday (29/07), with mobile devices will have a 11 digit code 9 at the beginning of their numbers. The only mobile phones in the 11 remaining unchanged - with eight digits - are Nextel radio.

As for now, is valid for any link regional, national or international made to the metropolitan area of ​​Sao Paulo, which comprises 64 municipalities. But the idea is that the ninth digit password to operate throughout Brazil.

During the press conference of Anatel, held in Sao Paulo this setxa Monday (27/07), Adeilson Birth, manager of interconnections of the agency, said there is no deadline for the change of numbers in the rest of the country. "It may take several years. We can not say how long it will take to standardization. However, the next areas to receive the ninth digit should be 21 (RJ), 31 (MJ), 51 (RS) and 81 (EP)" he said.

According to Nascimento, the change is justified by the need for greater availability of numbers. Currently, the region with code 11, the operators have requested assignment to 42 million lines. With eight digits, the maximum combination of different numbers is 44 million. Already with nine digits, the maximum combination of lines shall be 90 million different numbers.


The change is not abrupt. The FCC and the telephone operators in Brazil drew up a plan of gradual adaptation. In the first ten days after the start of installation, whether to add the digit 9 in the calls, the calls will be completed automatically. But, you may receive warning alerts the operator to change. The switching time of reporting the change is not charged to the user.

After this period of ten days, the calls made without dialing the new number will be intercepted and the user is informed of the need to update your schedule. After day 23 January 2013, there will be no more warnings of this kind, and if someone calls to area 11, entering only eight numbers will receive the message that number no longer exists.


The manager of the FCC noted that on Sunday there may be some instability in the system, resulting from changes in the structures. "There will be small and should not last more than one or two minutes," he said Nascimento.

The spokesman also reiterated that all operational responsibility of the operators is that, even bore the cost of $ 300 million in upgrading the infrastructure needed to adapt.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Download applications from the App Store without Password

 Apple iOS 6

The company Apple is about to launch its new operating system IOS 6, and he has promised many new features, and one I'm sure will be very well accepted by users Apple devices.
It is the ability to download free applications from the App Store without the introduction of the password. And according to reports that highlight this change in IOS 6, this option would be available both for new programs for this platform, as for the above can be re-downloaded.

At the time Apple released the first beta of iPhone OS 6 to early June, the users reported that they did not need to enter your password in iTunes when you want to download updates or previous purchases from the App Store. And it seems that this option has been expanded to applications in the third beta version of the IOS.

It will be a welcome feature for users, because I believe that is comfortable for anyone having to enter passwords each time. But now, what would be done only when downloading paid applications.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Nvidia confirms the theft of user data on your forums


Nvidia has confirmed that forums for users of its website have suffered a stroke that has resulted in the theft of user information. The company has confirmed that names, passwords and email addresses have been removed, but has not determined the number affected. For now the forums are closed and the company is working to locate faults in the system and power back on.
Large companies continue to be the target for cyber criminals, who see in their systems a unique opportunity to access large databases of users. In recent months there have been known major violations have resulted in important data theft. For example, LinkedIn data were extracted from 6.4 million users and more recently Yahoo has confirmed the theft of data from 400,000 people.
The user information has become a great asset and new cases of theft are soon to appear. The latter has to Nvidia as a sad character. In this case, hackers have breached the protection systems user forum, obtaining access to information of the participants in it.
Nvidia explained that last week found "suspicious activity" on their forums, after which "immediately began an investigation." The company explained that its engineers have been working "day and night" and have determined that "unauthorized parties have access to certain information from users."
Specifically, user names, email addresses, passwords and profile information has been compromised. The company explained that in their system passwords are encrypted, so the risk is lower. Despite this, Nvidia has recommended that users change their password if it is the same used in other service. When forums are restarted new password will be provided.
So far Nvidia has not specified the number of users affected. The firm has secured chip makers to continue "investigating the issue and working to restore the forums as soon as possible." In addition, Nvidia has confirmed that use "additional security measures to minimize the impact of future attacks."
Finally, to avoid scams phishing with stolen data, Nvidia has stated that "does not request confidential information via email. The company has recommended the bank or provide personal information in response to" any email that claims to have been sent by an employee or representative of Nvidia ".
Related links:
- Nvidia (

Kingston DataTraveler Locker + G2, great flash drive for professionals


Looking for a new flash drive that not only has high capacity and good speed, but also safe? Well you've found, is the new Kingston DataTraveler Locker + G2.
This is a new flash memory USB 2.0 that has encryption hardware to protect your files and important documents. If someone fails to enter the device 10 times, he was re-formatted. It has an accounting system that allows us to record up to 20 different accounts with its corresponding password.
The rates offered by the Kingston DataTraveler Locker + G2 are 5MB 10Mb / s read and write respectively. Capacities which are available: 4GB ($ 18 dollars), 8GB ($ 21 dollars), 16GB ($ 37 dollars) and 32GB ($ 82 dollars).