Showing posts with label Android devices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android devices. Show all posts

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Already there are 900 million Android devices activated

Google to become known a lot of interesting details about several of their services and products. According to the large search engine company to date have been activated over 900 million Android devices, which surpasses any other operating system. You may remember that in his first year and a half old mobile operating system did reach 400 million activations, which undoubtedly is a record.
Lets look at some additional data that Google has decided to give us about other products or services:
-Google I / O 2013: More than 6000 people from different places attended the event these days.
-Streaming: is estimated that over 1 million people have been watching I / O conference streamed via YouTube.
-Chrome: Browser has over 750 million active users currently.
-Maps: now there are over 200 countries listed in Google Maps.
-Street View: More than 50 countries are part of the network pictures of this service.
-Sites with Maps: More than 1 million websites have integrated a Google Map.
Undoubtedly are some pretty interesting numbers. We expect Apple to make a similar announcement in WWDC conference that will take place in a few weeks.