Showing posts with label Vegas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vegas. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Google Glass also banned in Las Vegas

Do the Google Glass device will become the highest number of prohibitions in the world? If things continue at this rate, maybe. Whatever may happen in Vegas, stays in Vegas, and this applies also to the famous Google goggles. It is obvious that the various casinos and clubs in the city does not want people to go out there with his great spectacles recording everything they see. The reasons are more than obvious.
One of the managers of a major club in town say they have faced such problems for years. That is, not only refers to the Glass glasses , but what are cameras and mobile phones capable of taking pictures and recording videos. As Glass sales increase, more people will start using them.If someone is seen wearing a pair of glasses Glass in a club or casino, you will be the same as it does to people carrying cameras.
Taking pictures is prohibited in some locales of Las Vegas, and the security guards asked to not take pictures out of respect for the privacy of others.
I wonder what the next place where the Google Glass will be banned.