Showing posts with label Lynx. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lynx. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

OS X 10.9 could be called Lynx

The launch of the new version of OS X is becoming closer and Apple has plenty of big cat names to choose from, and it seems that it has done, giving the name of Lynx to OS X 10.9. Lynx is the name of a cat that vulgar language known as Lynx.
Recall that, since 2001, Apple has been released a new version of OS X each year and naming it after a big cat, Mountain Lion being the current version (10.8).
A web site with news of the block indicates that according to internal sources have been papers with the final name of the new version of OS X. If Apple remains true to its traditions, then the first time we see Lynx will be in mid-2013.
Little is known about this update, but it says it could incorporate two features of iOS 6: Siri assistant and mapping system, and hopefully this time Apple does a good job adapting it for Macs.