Showing posts with label FPS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FPS. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Aliens: Colonial Marines has a new breakthrough

Aliens: Colonial Marines is the new game that is being undertaken to develop Gearbox Software. This new title will be published by Sega for the PC, PS3, Wii U and Xbox 360. It is a video game first-person shooter (FPS) based on characters and creatures of the Alien franchise and more particularly of the Aliens movies. This is the second title produced by Sega Aliens, Aliens vs Predators after 2010.

The game puts us in the role of a U.S. Marine named Christopher Winter. During the same weapons we have access to the franchise known as the flamethrower, pulse rifles, pistols, machine guns, rocket launchers and even watchtowers. You can also use torches to seal doors and motion sensors to detect enemies.

As the player defeats enemies and meets objective may be improving and personalizing the character, besides giving them better weapons and new skills, all of which can then be used in other game modes.

Aliens: Colonial Marines will be released in mid-February. Here's the latest trailer for the game, titled "Kick Ass":

Friday, August 24, 2012

How to speed up Windows XP (especially for games)

With this set of changes you can really accelerate and the performance of your computer, especially in games.
Me too and resulted in GTR with a resolution of 800x600 in SPA with rain rarely exceeded 25-35 fps (with mts "micro" freezes) with peaks of 56 fps, now with a 1024x768 resolution in SPA will walk in the rain 35 -50 fps and had a peak of 79 fps.

The difference as you see it and you'll see how the overnight.

These were the changes that I have conducted in my computer, but slight variations to your computer.

NOTICE: You will need at least one hour procederes for all these changes.

So here goes.

- Control Panel - System

- NO TAB Automatic Updates:
Select 'Turn off Automatic Updates', click 'Apply'.

Note: It will add your routine system maintenance, an item to manually update the system with the latest updates, go to the browser such IE, Tools menu select 'Windows Update' or if you want the 'Start' button, 'Windows Update'.

The Automatic Updates system runs in the background, consuming resources and in my opinion not worth what 'consumes', indeed for anyone who has a pirated version of XP can cause problems, because the program downloads and installs updates to prevent proper operation of type versions.

- NO TAB 'Remote':
Disable the option 'Allow sending invitations for Remote Assistance' this computer '(on my computer only has this option) but, English can have two "Allow Remote Assistance" and "Allow Users to Connect Remotely" and desactivas the two options at the end click 'Apply'.

- NO TAB 'Advanced':
Clicking the 'Report Errors', choose 'Disable error reporting', everything else has to be disabled, click OK.

Clicking the 'Settings' menu 'Performance', select 'Adjust for best performance', but if you think that windows is unsightly and can only select one of the following options:

Show windows contents while being dragged - Show windows content while dragging
Soften the limits of the fonts on the screen - Smooth edges of screen fonts
Use visual styles on windows and buttons - Use Visual styles on Windows Buttons
Using shadows for icon names desktop - Use Drop Shadows for Icon labels on the desktop (this is optional, you can use or not, but the fewer options the better)
Use common tasks in folders - Use common tasks in folders (this is optional, you can use or not, but the fewer options the better)

These options will make Windows run faster and without spending large memory.

Click the 'Apply' button, ... the same menu click on the Advanced tab, make sure that the options 'Processor scheduling' and 'Use of memories' are set to 'best performance' PROGRAMS, click 'Apply' and close the windows.

Now let's turn off some services that Windows has linked that besides occupy memory and processor are not lacking any.

- Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services

This procedure serves to disconnect the service, aplicas services list that says Off. All you have to do is perform this procedure for all services in the list that says Off.

One. Double click the service.

2nd. 'Startup type': switch to 'Off'.

3rd. On the 'Log In': under 'Profile Hardwear' (below), double-click the profile hardwear, and service in this column should change from 'enabled' to 'disabled', click 'Apply' and then 'OK'.

4th. Selects the next service and repeats the process.

Services that says Automatic or Manual alter it is only the 'Startup type'.

One. Double click the service.

2nd. 'Startup type': seedlings to 'Automatic' or 'Manual'.

The list is as follows: (note: some of these services may not appear in your list; Note 2: If you're using a mobile internet connection not t move the services that are the color green)

Access to Human Interface Devices - Deactivated
Automatic Updates / Automatic Updates - Automatic
WMI Performance Adapter / Adapter WMI Performace - Deactivated
Help and Support / Help and Support - Deactivated (If you want to help our windows and not use this service to Automatic)
Alert - Deactivated
Alerts and record performance - Manual
Host Device Universal Plug and Play / Universal Plug and Play Device Host - Deactivated
Application System COM + / COM + System Application - Manual
Removable Storage / Removable Storage - Manual
Protected Storage - Automatic
Windows Audio - Automatic
Bluetooth Support Service - Automatic
Computer Browser - Deactivated
Center for Security / Security Center - Deactivated (off not only the monitorizador security settings, turn off the warnings, eg: Your antivirus expired 'or' automatic updates are turned off ')
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) - (as is)
Distributed Link Tracking Client - Deactivated
DHCP Client - Deactivated (You'll have to manually enter your IP if you do not sobres puts this service to Automatic, NOTE: If fiques without access to the network and / or Internet puts this service to Automatic)
DNS Client - Deactivated
ClipBook - Deactivated
Compatibility 'Fast User Switching' / Fast User Switching Compatibility - Deactivated (You need to restart your computer to switch users)
Wireless Zero Configuration / Wireless Configuration - Automatic
Volume Shadow Copy - Manual
DCOM - server process launcher - Automatic
Detection hadrware Shell / Shell Hardware Detection - Automatic
Telephone devices - Deactivated (If you have a MODEM connected, service puts Automatic)
DTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator) / Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) - Deactivated
Routing and Remote Access - (as is)
Workstation - Automatic
Extens. contr. the Windows Management Instrumentation - Manual
Windows Firewall / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) - Automatic
Uninterruptible power supply - Deactivated (If you have a UPS puts this service Auto)
Application Management - Manual
Security Accounts Manager - (as is)
Logical Disk Manager / Logical disk manager - Manual
Connection Manager Remote Access Auto - Manual
Connection Manager Remote Access - Manual
Manager sessions help the 'Remote Desktop' / Remote Desktop Help Session Manager - Deactivated
Windows Time - Automatic
Identification of network location (NLA) - Manual
Logon network - Deactivated (Use only in areas with service manual)
Secondary Logon / Secondary Logon - Deactivated
Network Connections - Manual
Locator RPC (Remote Procedure Call) - Automatic
Messenger / Messenger - Deactivated (not MSN)
MS Software Shadow Copy Provider - Manual
Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service - Deactivated
Event notification system - Automatic
NT LM Security Support Provider - Manual
Sharing Remote Desktop Netmeeting / NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing - Deactivated
Shared Folders Messenger - USN Journal Reader Service - Manual
Plug and Play - Automatic
Helper TCP / IP Netbios - Deactivated
Task Scheduler / Task Scheduler - Automatic
QoS RSVP - Deactivated
Network DDE - Deactivated
Network DDE DSDM - Deactivated
Event logs - Automatic
Remote Registry - Deactivated
Administrative Service Logical Disk Management / Logical disk manager administrative service - Manual
Service COM recording IMAPI CD / IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service - Deactivated
ASP.NET State Service - Manual
Service delivery network - Deactivated
Service application layer gateway - Deactivated
SSDP Discovery Service - Manual
Indexing Service - Manual
Network Sharing Service Windows Media Player - Manual
Error Reporting Service - Deactivated
Service 'System Restore / System Restore Service - Deactivated (In my case I use this service as well, but if you want to use it puts Automatic)
Service Background Intelligent Transfer / Sercive Background Intelligent Transfer (BITS) - Manual
Service serial number of portable media players / Portable Media Serial Number Service - Manual
Cryptographic Services - Automatic
Terminal Services / Terminal Services - Deactivated
IPSEC Services - Deactivated
TCP / IP services simple - Automatic
Server - Automatic
Event System COM + / COM + Event System - Manual
Smart Card - Deactivated
Print Spooler / Print Spooler - Automatic
HTTP SLL - Manual
SSDP Discovery Service - Deactivated
STI Simulator - Automatic
Telnet - Deactivated
Themes - Automatic
WebClient - Deactivated
Windows CardSpace - Manual
Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework - Manual
Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) - Manual
Windows Installer - Manual
Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache - Manual
WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) / Windows Management Instrumentation - Manual


Now let's clean up the garbage from your computer.
- You'll Delete all files and folders in this directory:

C: \ Documents and Settings \ Account Name \ Local Settings \ Temp
C: \ Documents and Settings \ Account Name \ Local Settings \ Temporary Internet Files
C: \ Windows \ Temp

There will be files that will not be able to be eliminated. When this happens the elimination will stop, and just loading up in order to proceed CTRL key and clicking on the file that you can not delete (usually the first of which are still selected), and you keep disposal operation. Files that are normally harmless, but am are "leftovers" that windows does not know what to do or are still being used, but some may be viruses or Trojans, so it makes a scan to disk in case .

- Empty the recycling, then click with the right mouse button on recycling, select 'properties', select 'Use a definition for all drive' and adjust the slider to 1% -2%, is your description but will never exceed 3%.

Click 'Apply'.

- The Performance Counters of Windows XP are not necessary unless you're an addict data analysis in that case let it be, but for not reading this estares alloys nothings to this type of data, so here are the instructions to turn off counters and free the CPU for what really matters GAMES. LOL.

Installs rlst_setup.exe which you can download here
Run the file 'exctrlst' in the directory: C:\Program Files\Resource Kit

Will show the program 'Extensible Counter List'

Halfway through the Window menu has the 'Sort Order', and there needs to be selected the option 'SERVICE', pay close attention to it, must be selected the option 'SERVICE'.
Listed below you will see a series of 'Extensible Performance Counters', you select the service and then DESACTIVAS the 'Performance Counter Enabled' which is situated below the list, and do this in all the services listed, 1-1, in the final VERIFY IF ALL ARE DISABLED, and closes the program.

CONGRATULATIONS, you just disable the Windows XP program that sucked the performance to your CPU.

- You'll now run the program 'Disk Cleanup':

Start - Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup

This program will clean what is the most under Windows, and compress files that are over 50 days will be stopped.

- You'll now run the program 'Disk Defragmenter':

Start - Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Defragmenter

- Now you disable the prefetch of XP in the registry and when placing the command "/ prefetch: 1" in a particular program you give priority to prefetch the same program, speeding up loading the same (only you will notice a significant speed boost in 2nd time that you place the work).

* Go to the start menu, select Run, write regedit, find the key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager \ Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters \ EnablePrefetcher] 2x and clicks on 'enable prefetcher' and you place the value "zero" , the machine reinicias

- Will you install the program you can download here FSAutostart

This program lets you turn off programs and services he recommends himself off, and restart allows these same programs and services after the end of the game, and moreover there is an option to defragment the memory, in order to free space.

Arrancas the program, you go to menu-Tools' 'Program Options' and you select 'Enable Tool Tips', then go to 'file' and choose 'New' in the new window you select 'Blank', and you give a name to your profile ( GTR), and you click on 'Save'.
You select under the GTR you just created, then you load the menu 'Services'. You will get a list of services their state and that action is taken qo program for each service that default is 'No Action'.
Now you service to service, and you see the table beside what the program suggests, and if it suggests that peer service, you click on the column 'Action' of the service you want to change, and I advise you to choose ' Stop & Restart ', which will stop the service when you start the game and restarts it when the game ends.
The same will happen on the menu 'Programs', a list of programs and choose what they want to happen when you start the game, and again advise the 'Stop & Restart'.
In Menu 'Configure' in line 'path to app' chose the game's executable file, the line 'Process Priority' chose High (do not advise the Realtime is quite likely because the game jam) and choose the option 'Defragment Memory' .

And we have done a Super-Hyper-Mega-very fast computer.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Battlefield 4 announced, the first beta arrives in October

Electronic Arts has given his fans one more reason for which to be happy, and is confirmation of Battlefield 4, successor to a popular series of games FPS war. In addition, EA also announced that those who pre-order the future Medal of Honor: Warfighter will have access to the first beta version of the Future Battlefield 4.
For a gamer, is like killing two birds with one stone, because not only get a game that is great MoH: Warfighter, but also get to test the beta version of one of the most anticipated video games of 2013.
The launch of MoH: Warfighter is expected in late October and early November 2012, while four will probably Battefield next year.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

DEAD TRIGGER, SPF high resolution for Android


TRIGGER DEAD is probably one of the most spectacular games for Android. This app not only has a high definition 3D environment, but also mixes the gameplay of a first person shooter (FPS) with a post-apocalyptic world full of zombies. Your job here is to raise money, ammunition, food and blow his head to almost anything that gets in your way.
MADFINGER Games is the company that has developed TRIGGER DEAD, which can be purchased at the store Google Play for only $ 1.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Walking Dead, game trailer


A couple of days, Activision released the first trailer of a game to be known as The Walking Dead: the videogame. This is a first person shooter (FPS) where the player controls the Dixon brothers. The game will focus on events before seen in the series, such as travel to the city of Atlanta.