Showing posts with label money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Elon Musk said that 12 or 15 years we will have colonies on Mars


Elon Musk, for those who do not know, is the cofounder of PayPal, SpaceX founder and Tesla Motors founder also, and some people consider it the real world Tony Stark. Leaving that aside, and going to what we want, Mr. Musk believes that in about 15 years will be possible to have colonies on Mars. Before the arrival of Curiosity to Mars in days past, it was estimated that these colonies would become a reality only in 30 years, but in a few days things have changed.
In their visions of Martian colonization, Musk hopes to send people to Mars in 15 years. And do not talk about scientists and astronauts, but people like you and me. Of course this requires a large sum of money estimated at $ 500,000, and it is likely that you, like me, do not be such an amount of money to invest in space travel.
Probably the first people (not astronauts) to set foot on Mars are sent by governments and corporations, or it could be some billionaire who wants to spend a couple of months in space as it reaches the red planet.

Monday, July 30, 2012

What is the secret to success in Tumblr?


Since early 2012, Brazil is the second largest country in number of users on Tumblr. The Brazilians generate over 2 billion pageviews per month, and lead as well as consumers of content, also stand out as breeders.

One of the most expressive examples of this trend is the " How I feel when ", created by advertising Cidral Marcelo , 24, tumblr and the third largest in the world with over 200,000 daily visits.

The blog illustrates everyday situations with humor by appropriating animated GIF. "It works as a kind of therapy," said Marcelo. For him, much of the success is with the identification of readers. "It's the old story of 'I thought I was the only one who thought so,'" he concludes.
Increase the search by Tumblr on Google Brazil

The idea of ​​using GIFs to play with everyday situations began in tumblrs outside Brazil and became popular with the creation of Marcelo. Since then, several other blogs in the same style, but focused on niches, emerged in the country. It is the case with " Jornalices " and " How I feel when the agency " , that dialogue with journalists and advertisers.

There is even several tumblrs focused on a single joke. That's what advertising Adriano Brandao , 33, made ​​a few times with his creations. According to him, some have tumblrs momentary success. This was the case of the blog " Jesuscidência " , thought by Rosane Collor after he used the word in an interview with 'Fantastic' and have prompted several jokes on the Internet.

"I created the tumblr half hours later, he made a great success and lasted until the evening of Monday," he says. "Tumblr is like a football player: it is important to know when to stop," he concludes.

The volatility encourages digital Adriano not stop launching blogs on the platform. His head came out several others, as " Renato was boring , "" Pagodados " , " unfollow them " , " Funsquare " , " Shooting of letters "," Acts 1:11 " and " Jota for everything . "

In addition to the successful creation of content, some models are successful simply by trustees. This is the case of " Pica unreported , "the blogger Luide Hister , 25, which selects about 50 daily images bizarre and humorous. The name of the site, is also a pun on the English word "Pic unrelated" or "picture unrelated" in free translation.
Marcelo Cidral, Adriano Brandao and Luide Hister

Give money?

The affirmative answer appears only in some cases. Luide, for example, never made an announcement in the "Pica." "With that name, square advertising company would have the courage to announce?" Questions.

Marcelo has already received proposals for ads, but acknowledges that the market was slow to grasp the purpose of the platform. "At first the agencies and companies had a little bias with Tumblr, but that's changing," he explains.

The important thing, according to Adrian, are the opportunities that arise. "It seems talk of ex-BBB, but Tumblr opened my doors, "he says.

There is a formula for success?

In a debate in youPIX Festival, Adriano and Luide did a panel with some tips for success in Tumblr. Some may be conferred on a special page that they created . Among the suggestions and jokes, they advise "get a sponsor," "do not let your Tumblr away from other social networks "and" search if anyone has had the same idea before. " 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Hyundai A7 ART, a 4.0 Android tablet cheap and midrange

Hyundai, a company that is known for making cars and vehicles , is also active in other market sectors, and as we see that of the tablets is one of them. They recently introduced a new 4.0 Android tablet called ART A7 Hyundai sold at a great price: $ 100.
Of the above amount of money, we will be doing with a device that is equipped with a 1.0GHz processor TCC8923 Telechip beside which there is a Mail-400 GPU, 512MB of DDR3 RAM and an 8GB memory can be expanded via microSD. In addition, the Hyundai A7 ART also has a front camera of 0.3 megapixels, full HD play videos, have Flash 11.1 and has WiFi, 3G, miniHDMI port and powered by a 3000mAh battery.
As I mentioned, it costs $ 100.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

DEAD TRIGGER, SPF high resolution for Android


TRIGGER DEAD is probably one of the most spectacular games for Android. This app not only has a high definition 3D environment, but also mixes the gameplay of a first person shooter (FPS) with a post-apocalyptic world full of zombies. Your job here is to raise money, ammunition, food and blow his head to almost anything that gets in your way.
MADFINGER Games is the company that has developed TRIGGER DEAD, which can be purchased at the store Google Play for only $ 1.