What is graphene wonder? This is a supermaterial that stands out as the toughest in the world, Nokia has a mission to create a lot graphene. Thanks to an investment of $ 1,350 million from the European Union, the company is ready to get down to work. The European Union has provided funds as needed for future graphene high-tech projects that will be undertaken.
Graphene is part of the Nokia Flagship Consortium, a group of companies seeking to improve the world using graphene.
Graphene is a very thin, about 300 times stronger than steel, which undoubtedly makes it the strongest material on Earth. Besides this, it is very light and is a great driver.
Nokia has been working with graphene since 2006 and have since made significant progress and have found areas where applying. Henry Tirri, the CTO of Nokia, has said they have done great work so far, but the really good things just come.