Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Glass Google may control different devices around us in the future

Apparently,  Google has been a striking patent indicating that one day Glass glasses could eventually be used to control various devices that are around us. What kind of devices?For various types, including also appliances. Photocopiers, coffee makers, alarm systems, garage doors, televisions and even refrigerators are some of the things we could get to grips with the Glass.
Apparently, this exciting technology will be able to function on its own. What I mean by this? So for example, when we are in the car coming home and relocate Glass glasses, it is possible that our garage door open automatically without even a word or action on our part. After entering the garage and leave our car, the door would be closed by order alone glasses. Obviously this technology would not work with any device or system. Products will have to be very advanced and capable of handling different connectivities like Bluetooth, WiFi, NFC, etc..
What do you think? Will Google goggles become as great as promised?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Watch this sauna that uses infrared technology

A technological sauna? Exactly, that's the Health Mate, a sauna that uses the technology to heat the room while cleaning our body to free it of toxins. Instead of water and hot rocks, the Health Mate uses infrared to heat things up.
Sang Lee, vice president of PLH Products, the company that created the Health Mate says that traditional saunas make you feel warmer because the vapor sticks to our skin, but to get real benefits to our health, he recommends infrared technology.
After the body absorbs infrared heat for 25 minutes, enters the cooling period, when detoxification occurs and it is during the last 15 minutes of the cooling period when toxins really leave us.
Apart from this, the sauna offers a miniespectáculos thanks to its LED lights that change color, which also serves as a kind of vision therapy.
The price of one of these saunas can be up to $ 5,000 if you want to have one at home.

Monday, December 24, 2012

RIM: end of fall or will stand?

In about five weeks, the world will see if one of the giants of the market for mobile phones in the last two decades does stand or fall finish after having encountered a couple of years ago. The phones of RIM have not been what many expected and its technology has been somewhat "short", and while the company still has some loyal followers, the BlackBerry market share has plummeted since the arrival of iOS and Android. Many complained when RIM announced that BB10 would be launched only in 2013, but what if the wait really worth it? If the company takes the time to make your new platform to work properly, then it could be the rope that will pull the pit in which they find themselves.
It's easy to say that iOS and Android BlackBerry crushed, but certainly we all like good returns and RIM may have chosen a perfect time to return. It will be the only company to introduce a new platform in the first quarter of 2013 and it seems that many are willing to give the manufacturer a new opportunity.
Another point is also key to the victory possible RIM: international sales. The market U.S., UK, China and Japan is large, but we must not forget the rest of the world's countries and continents like Africa where RIM devices still continue to sell quite well. Perhaps RIM fails to conquer the few large markets, but you can still try to conquer the hundreds of small markets.
As noted above, in only five weeks we'll know.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

What is the most corrupt government in the world?

Occasionally we include in the occasional blog article that has no direct relationship with technology, but in this case maybe it has it indirectly. Specifically it is a study by Transparency International that gives a score to each country in the world according to their level of corruption. The points to be taken into account to assess each country are cases of bribery, speculation, nepotism and corruption and dirty dealings in the public sector.

The end result may not surprise many, but I think the results in the country where I live are really optimistic. Yet you get the big picture and you realize something important: the first world countries, the richest and most prosperous have lower levels of corruption, just the opposite in the third world countries. The main problem is that the only ones who can remove corruption in a country are corrupt governing them, so it's a bottomless pit right? If your country does not appear in the graphics still look complete ranking in the world rankings by country here.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Details of future Intel processors

Haswell is the name of the new family of Intel processors which was announced in last September but of which we know little or nothing. Recently leaked a document detailing more of the processors that will be part of this new line of high technology .

The line Haswell will, at least, with 14 different processor models and all designed for computer desktops. First place takes it a 3.5GHz Core i7 model able to reach 3.9GHz with Boorst Mode. It is a quad-core CPU with eight threads.
The great line Haswell will continue to include 22nm process used to manufacture the current Ivy Bridge processors, but otherwise implement a new microarchitecture to improve performance. It seems that the company has also made adjustments for integrated cards, which will now be a Intel HD 4600.
As stated also the first processor of this new family will be coming to market between April and June 2013.
Remember that none of this has been confirmed yet, so I can make things very different.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The world without electricity

Can you imagine a world without electricity, and therefore virtually no technology ? We depend on it for almost everything and if we did not have no doubt that a lot of things would stop working, not to mention surely unleash panic around the globe because many would not be prepared.
But why suddenly we're talking about a world without electricity? In these last days we have been making notes about the three days of darkness in 2012 , also mentioned various theories on December 21, 2012 and even talk about what to do during the 3 days of darkness . It happens, as you already know all that is said on December 21, a solar storm or a similar phenomenon will leave the planet without power for 72 hours. Living in the dark is one thing, but could become worse if the event that destroys our electricity networks across the globe, which would take years to be restored. What would the Earth if we had no electricity? If anyone has seen the Revolution series can then get a good idea of ​​what might happen, but if not, here are some possibilities shuffle.
Imagine instantly stay without mobile, no electricity, no computer , no Internet, no vehicle to move, without heating, etc.. There is no doubt that we have become too dependent on technology. Finally, we find so much technology here and there has made us less independent beings and in turn more materialistic. The problem here would be that we have a lot of technology, but the technology did not use it properly. Technological development has driven mankind for generations and has led us to where we are today.
With no electricity the world would be plunged into chaos as we have said, it is likely that governments fall rapidly due to the lack of technology to accomplish their tasks. Who would be in power then? Well there are two possibilities: one, which would leave many nations in a state of anarchy, or citizens choose someone to guide them in this new life.
We would also see many things in the world that abounded centuries ago, such as large sailboats, people would start to use more farm animals, the horse would be the primary means of transportation along with steam trains . Coal once again occupy its position as the world's No. 1 fuel. Probably also would have to resort to using candles lighting and fire as occurred for thousands of years.
The manufacture of medicaments totally change, people having to resort to more traditional medicines. Certain medical instruments also would be useful, which would see a greater number of patients. By becoming a little less materialistic, it is likely that people begin to reject the money and precious metals, opting for the old system of barter to get what they need.
In short, the lifestyle probably fall back to about 1850, though of course with some differences.
What do you think about this? How do you imagine the world without electricity?

Monday, December 10, 2012

New contact lenses let you read the messages we send

Ever occur to you read a text message or an e-mail in the shower using your smartphone ? Probably not, at least that it is resistant to water, of course. As soon read messages and emails in this way without your smartphone, because instead of it you can use a new type of contact lens that is the work of modern technology .
A Belgian group of researchers and developers have developed an LCD screen and miniature size curve that can be placed on a contact lens. While similar attempts failed in the past, this time we think it will become a reality.
In addition, this new type of lenses also have other uses and will function as a pair of sunglasses to suit sunlight on where we are. If there is plenty of sunlight, the lenses will become darker, and obviously the opposite will occur if the level of sunlight decreases.
This past year, the Glass of Google have been the center of attention as far as regards tech lenses and even Apple has registered a patent to create a similar device.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

So are the bulbs of the future

Scientists have developed a new type of light bulbs that are likely to be the replacement of existing fluorescent light bulbs that are used in homes and commercial spaces.
A team at Wake Forest University said on Monday that have created a new type of bulb that is twice as effective as modern and also has none of the negatives of these. These new bulbs are based on a technology electroluminicente polymer that emits a soft white light, so that the environment will not have to get the yellow glow of some fluorescent bulbs (or if some blue LEDs).
To develop these new bulbs, the team had to resort to nanoengineering, creating a model of three polymer layers are joined using a nanomaterial. When the material is stimulated, creating a smooth shine and pleasant white light.
Is planned to go on sale next year.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Bryce Bayer dies at age 83

Bad news . The world of technology has lost one of its pioneers a few days ago: Bryce Bayer, best known as the father of digital photography.'s the man to whom we owe much of what we currently know about digital images. Maybe your name will sound familiar, and not be to a drug company, but due to Bayer filter, which even today is used in virtually all cameras produced digital, not to mention it was patented in 1976 and is used since. This filter is used to recreate a color image from a grayscale captured, and before it was invented, this process was highly complex.

In the 1990s, Bayer put aside his old company, Kodak, and continued with his life until recently. Undoubtedly it will be remembered, as if you can place your name (or name) to something that is used even more than 30 years after it was invented, it's because you've accomplished something that many have never been.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Samsung and Apple will not provide batteries

Samsung SDI, Samsung's subsidiary in charge of battery manufacturing and providing the same to various companies in the world, will no longer be the provider of Apple according to a report of a portal of news Chinese. The decision is due, apparently, to purchase Apple fewer components to Samsung, so it would be a decision made ​​in retaliation, which happens sometimes. It also said two Chinese firms, Tianjin Lishen Battery and Amperex Technology, will now be the new supplier of the apple.
Although, for obvious reasons, Apple seems right to stop buying components to the South Korean company, the truth is that the quality of products from Samsung is very hard to match, and apple always been used in modern devices technology such as the iPhone, the iPad and computers Mac

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It monitors your brainwaves with your smartphone

Today's technology gives us the ability to monitor virtually anything in our bodies, whether the heart rate, our sleep patterns and even brain waves. A group of researchers and inventors want the monitoring of brain waves is to reach the general public.
InteraXon is a Canadian company that is working on a monitoring system and have recently launched Muse, a sort of headband standing on our heads. This kind of device has four sensors that record the EEG of the waves emitted by the brain. Complementing Muse exists app called Brain Health conduct monitoring brain waves through our smartphone Android or through an iPhone, as well as on a PC Windows, Mac or Linux.
System is expected to Muse goes on sale next year and have a price of about $ 200.

Intel Bay Trail-T, the successor of Clover Trail

As you know, the latest processor platform mobile launched by Intel is called Clover Trail and is manufactured under a 32nm process. It turns out that the company already has plans for a successor to be known as Bay Trail-T, the manufacturing will be done with 22nm process and the performance increase by 50-60% compared to the previous generation. Future processors Bay Trail-T also have four cores but will stop using hyperthreading.
Bay Trail-T will also incorporate the current Intel HD 4000 GPU, which are also the notebooks that comprise the Ivy Bridge processors. In addition, the energy requirements will drop by half, which will give us many more hours of use for our tablet, and the best thing is that this will be a reality in about 18 months since the launch of Bay Trail-T is expected to 2014.
Remember also that there are even details on the successor to the Bay Trail-T architecture, which so far is known as Valley View-T. This technology 's integrated quad-core processors that run at 2.1GHz and will support DirectX 11. For now do not know much, but there are still at least two years before it hits the market.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

AU Optronics introduces new 1mm bezel, the world's thinnest

You know what is the reason that often leads to a smartphone look good and stylish? The bezel. While it has nothing to do with performance, a good bevel gives a great look to any mobile. Speaking of bevels, AU Optronics guys have presented the world's thinnest bezel, with a measure of just 1mm thick. This is a result of the technology and the manufacturing process that uses this Taiwanese company. But that's not all. This new bezel of 1mm is used in a 4.46 inch screen, an optimum measure a mobile, and is also a screen with HD resolution. It's a shame you do not have the same resolution as the great screen Sharp .
Something else worth mentioning is that AU Optronics has already begun to produce new screens, a Full HD Ahva of 4.97 inches (probably not wearing a 1mm bezel) and a 10-inch IGZO with resolution of 2560 × 1600 pixels.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Digits, the sensor from Microsoft that makes the gestures of our hands into 3D models

Voice commands allow us to do many things in our smartphone , but first need you to press a button to activate them. We can use voice commands to start applications, call someone and even to send a new tweet. What if you could do all this without even having to touch the device?
Digits is a new modern sensor technology created by Microsoft and it is placed on our wrist. This allows us to control small electronic devices through the gestures of our hands. The sensor creates a 3D model of your hand in real time and it is expected that one day we can use it to change channels on the TV, make calls and even play games .
Digits LED uses infrared sensors to detect hand movements and pass our three-dimensional space.
While the sensor still has a long way to go, I wonder how it will achieve differentiate gestures we make voluntarily and those without. Any idea?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Samsung could be testing a smartphone with 3GB RAM

In the picture above we are seeing what is said, is the prototype testing a new model of mobile phone. While the device says "3GB" and not "3GB", was confirmed by a source that what we are seeing, is without a doubt of a smartphone with 3GB of RAM, which would make it the first of its kind . The same source also said that Samsung has decided to remove the home button, changing the design.
The truth is that not much is known about it. It seems that these prototypes are being tested and the final version (or the final version) would be coming to market next year. Nor do we know if it is the future Samsung Galaxy S IV or a new model of Galaxy Nexus.
What we did not fully convece is as follows: 3GB of RAM. Obviously, the more RAM the better, but this amount of memory is not necessary since even current smartphones work perfectly 1GB and 2GB models cases could count on the fingers.
What do you think about this? Why Samsung wants to improve technology using 3GB of RAM? Hopefully you have something great in hand, but if so we will learn not officially until next year.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Acer Gateway NV57H103U, a midrange laptop discounts

For $ 400 dollars, which typically might get is a team with 4GB of RAM, 500GB hard drive and an Intel Pentium. So for the same money Acer offers its 15.6-inch Gateway NV57H103U with 500GB disk, 4GB of DDR3 RAM and an Intel Core i3 2310M at 2.1GHz. In short, a technology slightly better for the same price.
The 2310M is a processor launched last year and belongs to the Sandy Bridge line, so it has an integrated Intel HD 3000 card, which is slightly lower than the Intel HD 4000 that comes in modern Ivy Bridge.
The Acer Gateway NV57H103U has a chiclet-style keyboard, a 1.3-inch thick and weighing about 2.5 kilograms. Obviously the laptop is not designed looking for portability, but as a replacement for desktop models without compromising performance.
Its specifications include also a screen resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels, a DVD burner, webcam with microphone, stereo speakers, WiFi connectivity, three ports USB 2.0 , HDMI and VGA, card reader and a 6-cell battery.
The price, as stated above, is $ 400 and the operating system is Windows 7 HP.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Maingear Nomad 17, a powerful notebook for gamers

When it comes to high-powered notebooks and much performance, in most cases we are talking about teams gamer oriented sectors, such as in the case of the spectacular new Maingear Nomad 17.
The new laptop not only looks striking enough, but is also very well equipped, so let's take a look at what we offer:
-Processor: Intel Core i7 quad-core 3.8GHz (Ivy Bridge).
-RAM: DDR3 up to 32GB.
-Storage: there are hard drives, SSDs and RAID disks, at our discretion.
-Graphics card: Nvidia GTX 675m 2GB.
-Ports: USB 3.0, USB 2.0 , eSATA, Ethernet, HDMI and VGA output.
-Connectivity: Bluetooth and WiFi.
-Display: 17-inch Full HD (1920 × 1080 pixels).
-Other: has a multitouch trackpad, backlit keyboard and speaker system with subwoofer.
As you have seen, the Maingear Nomad 17 is a pretty powerful laptop, has good technology and there is no doubt that it can run smoothly any game today. Its starting price is $ 1600.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New HP Envy 14-inch m4

Yesterday we told you that HP had presented its new line of computers with operating system Windows 8 , but we saw every ball. Today we'll take a brief look at the new laptop HP Envy m4.
The Envy m4 is the latest addition to the family of HP Envy notebooks. This laptop features a simple aluminum design and brings a backlit keyboard and a HD screen (1280 × 720 pixels) of 14 inches.
Inside, the m4 Envy has a powerful Intel Core third generation is accompanied by 8GB of DDR3 RAM. She wears a high-capacity hard disk and has no SSD. The hard drive is protected by technology HP ProtectSmart to prevent data loss. Also there is another exclusive HP CoolSense, which is used to automatically adjust performance and internal fan settings, enabling the team to lower the temperature and prevent overheating. Finally HP SimplePass also available to improve the security of the notebook.
The specifications of the HP Envy secondary m4 include HP TrueVision HD webcam, has WiDi, has two speakers with subwoofer and WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity, plus HDMI output and classical of a card reader.
The new Envy will be released in late October and will have a starting price of $ 900.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Asus S56, new 21mm ultrabook with DVD burner

There is an issue with some ultrabooks, and is that although they have good technology, not usually bring DVD recorder or directly not incorporate an optical drive. Well, this is not true in all cases, since the new Asus ultrabook S56 is 21mm thick and also has a DVD burner.
Equipment specifications are not bad as it has an Intel Core i7/i5/i3, its LED backlit screen measures 15.6 inches and has a resolution of 1366 × 768 pixels. The laptop also has up to 8GB of DDR3 RAM, a 1TB hard drive space + a 32GB SSD and also your graphics card is a NVIDIA GeForce GT 635M 2GB.
Other specifications include a card reader, HD webcam, WiFi, Bluetooth, Ethernet port, USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 , HDMI and a 4-cell battery.
The Asus S56 runs Windows 7 and is available in Europe for $ 915 U.S. dollars.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Will the iPhone 5 device with the best sales of Apple?

You probably know many people who have an iPhone, an iPad or an iPod. In fact, Apple has said that since the launch of the iPhone in 2007, has sold a total of 400 million units of operating systems iOS devices. Despite the dominance of the market by the company Apple, iOS fans wanting even more. Remember that the iPhone 5 may be pre-ordered from yesterday, right? Well, not really, because the units that were available and are fully depleted.
Many analysts in the world of technology see the iPhone 5 as the best device that will not only sales of Apple's history, but history in general. According to predictions, it is expected that the iPhone 5 manages to sell 58 million units during its first year on the market. Lots of experts say this will be "unprecedented demand" from consumers. The larger screen of the new iPhone, LTE connectivity, the Lightning connector, headset EarPods and a lot of new features are what carry the iPhone 5 is a highly successful product.
The iPhone 4S managed to sell 4 million units during its first three days on the market. Do you think the new model will break that record?