Showing posts with label package. Show all posts
Showing posts with label package. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2012

Bing now lets you tag friends in Facebook searches

 Search Engine

On Monday (30/07), Bing announced a change in its search engine to make it more social. The tool Microsoft now lets you tag friends in Facebook during consultations, so they help with the results.

When you want to look for something on Bing, the user can type the name of up to five friends from Facebook in the search bar. With prior approval, the matter is posted in the Timeline and the selected contacts are notified.

The feature is part of a package of changes announced by Microsoft to take effect this year. Facebook, who has a partnership, it will be increasingly added to the Bing.

The news has not arrived in Brazil, and there is no information about when to come here.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Twitter seeks ways to retrieve old posts

 Dick Costolo

"Twitter CEO says the company is working on an export tool that will compile all the tweets that a user has logged on the network"

Twitter is working on a tool that allows users to export each Tuite has been done on the site, said the chief executive, Dick Costolo, the American newspaper The New York Times .

But why would anyone want all of your tweets - possibly going back to all stories published since 2006, when Twitter was first released?

Facebook now allows users to download a "personnel file" which includes a list of all messages you have sent to someone, a list of every friend you have on the network, copies of any photos or videos you've sent site and more. I recently looked for my file and was surprised at the amount of data shared - a package of 46 MB of files and folders - and look what I consider a user is not so active.

Now imagine the data of 140 million users of Twitter, which are firing 140-character tweets throughout the day - every day - or about his personal life or about his thoughts about current news and repercussions they have.

In fact, Twitter has become a major news feed and real-time communication tool. Consider as examples only a few events that accounted for the most popular ' tweets per second '(TPS) last year: a half-hour show of Madonna's Super Bowl (10,245 TPS), the Tim Tebow touchdown during a playoff in American Football Conference (American Football Conference in free translation) on January 8 (TPS 9420) and the death of Steve Jobs (6049 TPS).

So the idea of ​​a person being able to see perhaps tens of thousands of his thoughts over time, all in one place, is quite convincing. For some people this would act as a virtual diary and journal information - all in one place.

Currently the Twitter only gives users access to a number of tweets and Costolo did not say when the company will launch the export tool in which people are working. Meanwhile, recover old posts is important to you, try , which backs up social networks, or CloudMagic , which is a lightning fast way to search for things Exchange, Twitter, Gmail, Google Apps , Chat, Docs, Calendar and Contacts.

Another thing worth mentioning is that the tool that Twitter is developing is only to users of the tweets themselves, not to "dig" the entire network. "They are two separate problems of engineering search," the Times said Costolo. "It's a different way of architecting the research, going through all the tweets of all time. You can not just put three engineers working on it."

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lorenzo (CMT) recognizes that there is a regulation "asymmetric" between operators and service providers


The president of the Telecommunications Market Commission (CMT), Bernardo Lorenzo, has acknowledged that there is "asymmetric regulation" between operators and Internet service providers 'over the top', as whatsapp and Skype.
"Operators complain that there is an asymmetric regulation and I agree," stated Lorenzo told reporters after the presentation of the financial report and sectoral telecommunications regulatory body.
However, the head of the CMT has clarified that he does not believe that the solution is an "intensive regulation." Lorenzo added that the European regulator for electronic communications (Berec) is "starting" to talk about this. "They are beginning to talk, but traders are worried about cannibalizing their services," he added.
Lorenzo has highlighted the increased competition in the sector. In this sense, the two main market, Telefónica and Vodafone, reduced market share Mobile 2.7 and 1.3 percentage points to 39% and 28.2% respectively and, in return, Telstra and MVNOs were increased theirs, accounting for 5.3% and 6.8%. Also, fixed broadband, Telephone lines and 124,422 lost for the first time, its market share fell below 50%.
In addition, the president of the CMT has highlighted the "significant" drop in prices that has occurred in the telecommunications sector last year and have contributed to the fall in revenues in the sector.
In particular, mobile communications prices fell more than 16% and a standard package of fixed telephony and fixed broadband, more than 7.5%. However, Lorenzo has admitted that SMS prices remain "high" despite decreased by 9.9% compared to 2010.
In any case, Lorenzo pointed out that CMT only regulates wholesale prices should, yes, almost unseen in retail prices.
As for portability in a day, has stated that Lorenzo has been in place "recently" so it is reasonable that initially takes place "some type of incident." Since last June 1 customers can switch carriers without losing their phone number (portability) within one working day, compared to the previous four days.
Looking ahead, Lorenzo provides a moderate growth of fixed broadband lines and double-digit mobile broadband, driven by the use of intelligent terminals and tablets. "It will increase further the speed of Internet access, both fixed broadband and mobile, but will reduce the data traffic in SMS and MSM" has come forward.
Asked about the bill that are unified with the regulators (CMT, CNE, CNC) under the new National Market and Competition, Lorenzo has merely replied that the agency is headed by the plan for 2013, although know what will happen next year.