"A secret way to kill unresponsive apps without crashing your entire computer. Weve all had it happen to us Internet Explorer or another poorly written application hangs up, turning your notebook into a useless brick. But heres how to shut down that stubborn program without crashing your entire system.Windows Vista, XP and Windows 7. This quick tip shows you how to Stamp Out Bad Programs !"
SuperF4 kills the foreground program when you press Ctrl+Alt+F4. This is different from when you press Alt+F4, which only asks the foreground program to exit, allowing it to decide for itself what to do.
You can also kill a process by pressing Win+F4 and then clicking the window with your mouse. You can exit this mode without killing a program by pressing escape or the right mouse button.
SuperF4 should be able to kill all kinds of processes, whether they are hung or not. Beware though, killing a program does not give it a chance to save unsaved work. If you accidentally kill explorer.exe, you can start it again by opening Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc).
Why would I need SuperF4?
You might have encountered a game that hung because of some stupid bug, then your computer gets all slow and you just can't get out of the game since it's fullscreen. Nothing happens when you press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to bring up the task manager. You eventually give up and reboot the computer by pressing the power button.This has happened to me quite a few times and I got tired of it, so I made SuperF4. Now I can just press Ctrl+Alt+F4 and get back to the desktop within a few seconds. :)
SuperF4 does of course work just as well with normal programs, and not only games.
SuperF4 should be able to kill all kinds of processes, whether they are hung or not. Use with care though, since SuperF4 effectively kills the program and doesn't give it any chance to save unsaved work.Video review
SuperF4 has been featured in Tekzilla, so you can watch this video to see how SuperF4 works before downloading it.Rating by Author :

(1 review from Author.)
My Comment : Sometimes the task manager window can't be seen when Ctrl-Alt-Delete is pressed, this is useful as it immediately terminates the active window.
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Date : 2012/05/05