Showing posts with label kilogram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kilogram. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Super Falcon, the sub that flies underwater

 under water

Sure you know the kind of maneuvers that are able to do the airplanes they fly through the sky, right? For a submarine is expected to do the same kind of maneuvers, but under the water for a test that will be held in October in Lake Tahoe (USA).
The creators of Super Falcon DeepFlight hope to raise enough money to perform these tests. This submarine is not like we all know, but is made for two people and their way to remember, some say, that of a missile. The interesting thing is that the project of underwater exploration may be carried out only with the cooperation of the public, so in some ways this is a species "underwater exploration open source", where people also decide the locations of tests to be performed.
Donations of $ 5,000 for the project will enable you to get to the front passenger seat, and $ 100 and will allow you to attend the test. Of course there have certain physical limitations to occupy the front passenger seat, since the height should not exceed 1.95 meters and must not weigh over 100 kilograms.