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Showing posts with label part. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2012

Bing now lets you tag friends in Facebook searches

 Search Engine

On Monday (30/07), Bing announced a change in its search engine to make it more social. The tool Microsoft now lets you tag friends in Facebook during consultations, so they help with the results.

When you want to look for something on Bing, the user can type the name of up to five friends from Facebook in the search bar. With prior approval, the matter is posted in the Timeline and the selected contacts are notified.

The feature is part of a package of changes announced by Microsoft to take effect this year. Facebook, who has a partnership, it will be increasingly added to the Bing.

The news has not arrived in Brazil, and there is no information about when to come here.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Facebook launched its smartphone in mid-2013

For a long time we've been hearing rumors that Facebook, the largest social network in the world with over 900 million users, is working with HTC to create its own smartphone and apparently the release date would be mid mobile , 2013.
Early rumors indicated that the phone hit the market in late 2012, but HTC is focusing as much on the Android market, it appears that the release date had been delayed.
The technology that would own the equipment and its specifications are things unknown, but apparently the device would use a modified version of the Android operating system, as we know HTC is well adapted and associated with that platform.
Facebook has decided not to open his mouth when asked about this project, although it appears that itself is working on its own smartphone. Also of note is the fact that it has hired some former employees of Apple , which would be part of the team working on the smartphone.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Could lower the price of Kindle Fire

kindle fire

Amazon is working hard to create the next generation of Kindle Fire, or the Kindle Fire in the event of confirmation of what we saw yesterday. Apparently rumors that when the successor of Fire hits the market, the original model will be low in cost that will make even cheaper than the Nexus 7 from Google . In this form, Amazon would be following in the footsteps of Apple when the company lowered the price of its iPhone and the iPad 2 after the start of the new models.
Kindle is expected to pass Fire cost $ 170 U.S. dollars, becoming one of the tablets cheaper and more popular in the world. This in part will help to give more competition to the Nexus 7, which costs $ 200.
We have to wait a couple of months to see what happens.