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Showing posts with label conpany. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Microsoft hopes to sell several million in its first year Surface


The CEO of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, has said that the company expects that its first 'tablet', Surface, able to sell "several millions" of units in its first year. Ballmer is confident in the capabilities of the device, but has not specified the exact sales forecast consider attainable.
Surface is one of the major bets on Microsoft for this year. This is Microsoft's entry into the market of 'tablets' as a manufacturer and its potential can make the future of the sector and partly by the company. Microsoft Surface is expected to consolidate a device that stimulates the adoption of Windows 8 by other manufacturers and that this battle to the current ruler, the iPad.
At the moment we do not know the price of the device or its exact release date, which could be in October with Windows 8, but each presentation makes clear that Microsoft is one of their star products. The latest to confirm it has been the CEO of Redmond, Steve Ballmer, who has dared to make an estimate of sales that could get Surface in its first year.
Without going to specify an exact number, Steve Ballmer has said that Microsoft hopes to sell "several million" Surface in its first year, as quoted by ZDNet. This is a forecast that, without being at all clear, to see the optimism that permeates Microsoft to release.
Ballmer did not want to give accurate forecasts, in part not to condition the release of the terminal. But he noted that sales of Surface shall be computed on the total expected Windows terminals sold in the next year, which will reach 375 million. Thus, it is clear that Microsoft is confident that both get Windows 8 as Surface boost PC sales and increasing the presence of Windows in the field devices 'tablet'.