For those who tend to rapidly acquire any technology or device that goes on sale one of the biggest questions there is how will the glasses Glass interface of Google. Well, thanks to a new product demonstration that the company has published, we can finally see what they will wear these glasses.
Rumors and small videos of Glass Internet have reached in recent months, but did not really know how they worked finder glasses. As you can see in the video below, the Glass operate primarily using voice commands.
From what we can see, the glasses have a small menu slightly transparent in the upper right side and allow us to use voice commands to search, take photos, record videos, start hangouts and get directions. Apparently, all functions require the user to say "okay, Glass" for the device to start accepting commands.
Google already offers non-developers the opportunity to acquire the Glass for about $ 1500, but remember that the device is still in beta, so it may not be convenient to drive us further.
Tell us: what do you think the glasses Glass? Do you like or think their functions are still missing something?