Showing posts with label blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogger. Show all posts

Friday, April 12, 2013

Google Inactive Account Manager will take care of your digital assets when you die

Yes, the title sounds a bit macabre, but that's what makes  Inactive Account Manager, a new service from Google that has just been released. What is its function? So what will handle your digital goods would be if it passes the "other neighborhood."  Inactive Account Manager , you can set an expiration period for our account. This time period refers to a number of months without activity on your Google Account. But surely you wonder: what is the real function of this?It simply serves to tell Google what to do with your posts and data in the event that your account becomes inactive.
And what are the options then? Well we can destroy the contents or else send someone to trust . Sure thing will do is set a few Inactive Account Manager to delete all your data and files from the various Google services after three, six, nine or twelve months of inactivity. What sounds a little more sense to share our data with up to 10 other Google accounts. The services involved and that would be affected are: Blogger, Gmail, Drive, Google+, Picasa Albums, YouTube and Google Voice.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Customize your Blogger entries by permanent links

A few months ago we introduced a new package of SEO to help your blog entries and images are accurately indexed to display correctly in search results. Today we are pleased to introduce new functionality that allows them to customize their search preferences more effectively: the custom permalinks. When writing a post, Blogger automatically generates a permanent link based on the post title. So far, the authors of a blog had no control over the permanent link, ie on the web address of your publications. Custom permanent links offer more control over your blog and its entries. These new custom links also provide readers with more information about the entry while viewing search results.

To create your own URL for a specific entry, simply select "Custom URL" and enter the new URL in the field below. If you wrote the entry in July 2012, the new URL will look like: URLCUSTOM . html

The part in bold ( URLCUSTOM ) is the portion of the URL that can be modified before posting your entry. This will allow them to include in the URL a few key words of the title that may not appear in the URL generated automatically. This may be more descriptive URLs that best represent the content of your post. If the custom permalink chose already exists, Blogger will seek one that is free, or may modify it yourself to make it unique. For now, the characters allowed in a custom URL are limited to: az. AZ, 0-1. The only special characters available include the underscore, the dash and period. can find more information about the custom permalinks our Help Center .