As we told you yesterday, last Tuesday Apple announced the new iPad Mini with 7.9-inch screen. The initial price of the device was found to be $ 330, considerably more expensive than the Nexus 7 and the Kindle Fire HD both cost only $ 200.
Surely Apple expects the price of its new tablet, which is cheap compared to that of a large iPad, assuring an increase in number of sales and also a device believed to be in high demand by consumers. That may be so, but surely there will be setbacks along the way, and we almost have one on our doorstep.
Production of the iPad Mini has been divided between Foxconn and Pegatron. LG Display will provide screens to Foxconn who, while AUO is the supplier to Pegatron. Unfortunately, AUO is having production problems.
In September, could only send 100,000 AUO screens Pegatron, which obviously affects the amount of iPad Mini that can be manufactured. Is expected to be sent to 400,000 screens in October and twice in November. In addition, LG Display was sending 300,000 Foxconn screens in September, hopes to reach 1 million in October and 2.5 million in November.
If AUO fails to produce enough of the screens, it is likely that the iPad Mini has availability problems. In this case, we say that Apple might choose to work with Samsung, but because of the tensions between the companies this may not seem like a good idea.