Qualcomm is preparing to put the processor Snapdragon 800 in mass production stage, although there are still a few weeks for this to take place. The new SoC is the successor of Snapdragon 600 has debuted a few months ago and is present in phones like the LG Optimus G Pro, for example. The Snapdragon 600, which runs at 1.7GHz, has been very well received, and it is expected that the new model, which will run at 2.3GHz, is just as successful.
Yufei Wang was the one who confirmed the news recently, saying that mass production of the new 28nm chip would be kicking off soon, but did not indicate which devices carry the new powerful processor Qualcomm . Wang suggests that waited at least until June to hear from any phone that incorporates it.
Within the 800 Snapdragon find a 400 Krait architecture, allowing all four cores reach a speed of 2.3GHz without consuming too much energy. The will be an Adreno 330 GPU, and thank him and the CPU will be supported perfectly 4K content at 30 fps. The Snapdragon 800 also allow WiFi connections and USB 3.0 4G LTE. The chip also integrates fast charge system and voice activation.