A technological sauna? Exactly, that's the Health Mate, a sauna that uses the technology to heat the room while cleaning our body to free it of toxins. Instead of water and hot rocks, the Health Mate uses infrared to heat things up.
Sang Lee, vice president of PLH Products, the company that created the Health Mate says that traditional saunas make you feel warmer because the vapor sticks to our skin, but to get real benefits to our health, he recommends infrared technology.
After the body absorbs infrared heat for 25 minutes, enters the cooling period, when detoxification occurs and it is during the last 15 minutes of the cooling period when toxins really leave us.
Apart from this, the sauna offers a miniespectáculos thanks to its LED lights that change color, which also serves as a kind of vision therapy.
The price of one of these saunas can be up to $ 5,000 if you want to have one at home.