Married? Carry and bring along a disk laptop that does not seem to be as portable? Well Toshiba has the solution. The company just announced the thinnest portable hard drive in the world, called Toshiba Canvio Slim.
The great Canvio Slim measures only 9mm thick, which is enough for him to have a capacity of 500GB. Regarding long is 107mm and the width is 75mm.
As might be expected, is compatible with Windows computers as Macs, has an interface USB 3.0 and has NTI Backup Now EZ, a software to create backups and restore your hard drive.
The launch of the Toshiba Canvio Slim is expected next month and the cost of the device is $ 115 dollars. Indeed, Seagate also has a unit 9mm thick, the GoFlex Slim, so no one knows exactly which of the two can be considered as the thinnest.