Showing posts with label Apps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apps. Show all posts

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Facebook Home is here

Remember when we told you that Facebook would make a presentation yesterday? As it has been carried out smoothly apparently, and one of the things that have been released is Facebook Home.
Facebook has decided that the screen of your smartphone , instead of showing a bunch of apps, should show more content. Of course this will not be fit something easy, since we are all used to take a smartphone and instantly see a list of available applications.
Facebook Home is the social network initiative to turn the tables. The idea is that updates of our friends are displayed in real time on the home screen of your mobile phone, thanks to which you can put to a photo Likes quickly and also comment. This also ensure fast access to chat and notifications. In short, it is like having the app on Facebook always open and running . Of course that is only available for Android and a few phones actually.
Facebook Home will be released on April 12 and will be available for tablets within about a month. The smartphones that can run now are the HTC One (when it launches), HTC One X, HTC One X +, Samsung Galaxy S III, Samsung Galaxy S IV (also when it reaches the market) and the Samsung Galaxy Note II.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Google Maps now available for iOS 6

For a couple of days the expected app of Google Maps for iOS 6 is now available.
When Apple launched iOS 6 for a couple of months ago he never imagined that the failure to become your mapping application. After almost three months of waiting, Google Maps users can reuse their beloved application.
The newly launched application has already been placed on the top of the iTunes store and is also expected more people start upgrading to iOS 6 because many did not due to lack of a decent map application.
We should clarify that Apple will remain Maps native application for iOS mapping 6, but from now on it will not be necessary to use it.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

App Store is redesigned for iOS 6

Yesterday was a day when Apple gave a lot of ads. Among these we find the redesign of its popular store apps , the App Store. The redesign of the store features a different design when displaying search results, we will see more black colors and can enjoy integration with Facebook.
Integration with the aforementioned social network serves to give an application Likes and see if your friends also liked.
Remember that upgrading to iOS 6 and thus the redesigned App Store will be available from September 19.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Google + updated to IOS

Google has released a new update of its app for Google + for the IOS operating system.
Besides the version 3.1 of Google +, will see the arrival of improvements with the possibility of hangouts, also notice that eliminates some bugs that had the system upload application files and also added a new feature to the Chrome browser the Google hand +, and is the choice if we want to open a link directly to Chrome or Safari through.
If you have not updated your app to Google +, we recommend you get it fast.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Dwell, a program for architects and interior designers

Dwell is undoubtedly one of the best apps for both architects and interior designers, since it is able to provide us with lots of content on different houses. Some of the content offered is more inclined to design and partly to the infrastructure. Architects and designers can gain new insights through this great Android.
Dwell has no charge and is available in Google Play.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

1 billion 'things' are shared daily on Open Graph Facebook


Every day, more than a billion things are shared by the Open Graph of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg said during an investor conference social network, according to CNET .

The social applications that add things like movies that you watched the timeline of Facebook, were announced in November last year and fell rapidly in the tastes of users. Currently, more than 5000 apps can add this information to your account.

Many of the apps recorded a large increase in usage due to sharing of information with friends. One of them, Socialcam, sold for $ 60 million, and reached because of the integration with the Open Graph.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Windows 8 vs. Mountain Lion: What operating system succeeded in bringing the mobile to the desktop?

Meanwhile, Microsoft had higher aspirations: Windows 8 will run on your desktop and laptop as it does on your tablet is unlike anything I've done before.
Let's take a closer look at each one, to try to get a better idea of what the system is ahead.
We begin
The Home Screen Windows 8

The differences between Windows 8 and Mountain Lion are evident from the moment you start.
When launched Windows 8, we saw something completely different: Instead of the common Start menu, toolbar and Windows Explorer, you have a Home Screen, which consists of a square and rectangular icons with your apps called Live Tiles (give more detail below).
  Windows 8

By default, the Home screen displays each application you installed on your PC, but you can choose what and what not to appear there.
You are not restricted with the Apps: you can put other objects on the screen, including booksmarks of your favorite sites and contacts in your address book.
Windows 8 will run also in the traditional computer applications, and will do in a desktop environment that resembles the layout of Windows 7.
You probably take a while to get used to the new environment, especially after all applications have Metro.
Launchpad in OS X

When you first enter a Mountain Lion, you will see the typical desktop OS X, the menu above, the OS X Dock on a button and a photo topic of space as desktop wallpaper.
By clicking on the search icon in the Dock will open the Finder window to locate files and folders. Mountain Lion has a strong approach to the Home screen: Launchpad. With Launchpad obtain a presentation as the iPad with icons for your programs, which makes it easier to locate and access them. Although the IOS runs Launchpad, Mountain Lion feels and looks like a Mac, not an iPad.

Notifications and Live Tiles

The home screen of Windows 8 is more like an app with Live Tiles.
In addition, Live Small Tiles act as informational widgets. Applying Climate Bing, for example, shows weather out, while the Live Tile for Cut The Rope game shows your status in the game.

OS X does not have a special feature that compares to Live Tiles, but includes features similar notification.
Dock icons may show numerous warnings if an application needs your attention, for example, if you have three unread messages, the Mail icon will be displayed.
Notification Mountain Lion alert

Notifications Center in Mountain Lion is a compilation of statements from various applications.
You can see the Notifications Center from anywhere with a simple touch, or giving the start menu click search on your desktop When you give a notification list for each application. Programs may also appear in pop-up style banner that will appear in the top corner. These banners appear at the top whenever you're doing something else on the screen, and will disappear in a few moments.
Windows 8 has pop-up notifications to complement Live Tiles, and have a lot of what has Montain Lion: They also have notices that appear in the top corner of the screen and stay there a while.

Comparison Applications
Windows Marketplace is clean and attractively designed
Although still very low for many applications, Microsoft Windows Marketplace is attractive and well designed.
From one point of view is quite similar to the Mac App Store: apps are organized into categories, shopping applications with one click and you can view or post user reviews. Although it is too early, we can say that the Windows Marketplace has an advantage over the App Store: test applications. Yes, you can test an application for a period of time before you decide to buy it.


Although we have a clear idea of gesture support for Mountain Lion, do not know yet what we see in Windows 8.
Mountain Lion allows you to use a trackpad to a number of actions, for example, you can use three fingers to open your applications, or turn left or right with three fingers to change desktop or viewing in full screen. If you have the touch sensor Apple Magic Mouse can use some of these functions.
While Windows 8 has some moves by the time they are all for tablets and touch-screen computers.

We do not know what the gestures that have Windows 8 for laptops.
So far it's all in the air, but last year showed a Synaptics touchpad friendly Windows 8 that accepts various gestures.
File Manager

With Mountain Lion, Apple has a small advantage in the Finder, the file manager for OS X.
It looks and works much like you do with Lion-if you're using Windows Explorer or an earlier version of Mac OS X, do not take long to know how to use the form on Lion Mountain.
Microsoft may have worked hard with the interface of Metro, but any progress with the file manager still needs more work and use the traditional Windows Explorer.
Fortunately, Windows 8, Explorer had an update: now features Ribbon toolbar makes access to common features easier
Switching between Metro and the traditional Windows Explorer is just a bit bumpy and frustrating, so we expect Microsoft to do something to make the Metro file management simpler.

icloud and Windows Live

Windows 8 and Mountain Lion are cloud service from Microsoft and Apple, respectively.
Both let you synchronize your data with different devices, and both include some online storage services.
Windows Live is everywhere with Windows 8.
You can access Windows 8 using your Windows Live ID. This will let you sync multiple PC settings through Windows 8 devices, and you can access your account on SkyDrive.
Also, when accessing for the first time a Mountain Lion will ask you to enter your account information icloud.
From there you can sync email, contacts, calendars, notes, reminders, and recent photos through your Macs and IOS devices.

The Mountain Lion has new documents is the cloud, which allows you to store your documents in the icloud service from Apple. If you have a icloud, you can save your documents directly on a hard drive, if your applications to take information from this feature.

At first glance Documenmtos in the Cloud Mountain Lion is silly and stupid, you can access any document stored in the cloud through the Finder, for example. We hope that these characteristics are improved. icloud is free and comes with 5GB of storage, but you can buy additional storage.

With SkyDrive, Microsoft has a subtle and more traditional approach: Using SkyDrive using a separate application through which you can access to everything you saved on SkyDrive. It is also free but limits you to 25GB of storage. 
What about the tablets?

One of the major points in favor of Windows 8 is that it has "commitments" this operating system runs on your desktop, laptop, tablet PC or touch screen. This advantage is useful when you have to pass your information from one device to another.

On the other hand, Apple still has a big difference between the IOS of mobile devices and Macs. Despite the strong influence on their computers, OS X is OS X. It seems that Apple's philosophy is to keep each system in its authenticity, and some characteristics between the devices are similar and family.

Microsoft seems to want that the tablets are an extension of the PC, while Apple seems to be only a support for Macs. Resumámoslo well, Microsoft wants the tablets represent the next step in the evolution of the PC, not a separate category.

Both Apple and Microsoft are trying to bring the features of their mobile operating systems to the corresponding desktop OS, but their attempts are quite different.

Originally, Mac OS X is still an operating system designed for desktops and laptops. Sure, Apple has added features of IOS, but OS X is still based on windows, menus, folders, and so on. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How to install Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean in the Nexus S

Google has started to launch the updates, but you may not yet have. So if you are desperate to discover each new Jelly Bean in your Nexus S, then I recommend the following steps of this tutorial we are going to share below.

Android Jelly Bean

Just remember that you are solely responsible for what may happen to your smartphone as a result of this process. True, this tutorial is meant to help, but nobody is going to be responsible if you take any step goes wrong. Above all, keep in mind the model of your Nexus S to be able to apply the steps in this tutorial, it is not for everyone. In the steps of the tutorial I give models for those who can use it.

Now, with that clarified, let's go through the tutorial to install Android 4.1 Jelly Bean in your Nexus S.
  • Step 1: Unlock the bootloader, make a root and flash mode controller ClockworkMod Recovery. This procedure can do it easily with this software: download all-in-one root tollkit Nexus .
  • Step 2: Download Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean (JRO03E) from this direct link from Google . The. Zip file you download is to update from Android 4.0.4 Jelly Bean (IMM76D) in the following Nexus S: i9020T / i9023. It can also work in the Nexus S i9020A, according to some users. In any case, and left up to you. Just do not intend to apply this. Zip on computers without Android 4.0.4 or any other model that has not been mentioned in this step, because there they can have problems.
  • Pas0 3: Restart ClockworkMod mode (CWM) Recovery off your Nexus S and then simultaneously press the buttons simultaneously to increase the volume and power.
  • Step 4: Make a backup nandroid. This will help you recover information in case you have problems later with the Jelly Bean ROM.
  • Step 5: Choose the option 'install zip from sdcard ", then" choose zip from sdcard' and then the. Zip you downloaded in step 2. This will make Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean is flashed on your Nexus S.
  • Step 6: When you're done, go to the CWM main menu and restart the system, selecting 'reboot system now'.
That's it. If you followed the steps right, I'm sure now you are enjoying the new features of Android Jelly Bean in your Nexus S. If you do not dare to follow this tutorial, you can expect that Google will send the notification to upgrade to the new version of Android in the coming hours, days or weeks.

Malware in an app of IOS can infect our PC

 apple malware

Recently made ​​an interesting finding in one of the apps store apps from Apple . Instaquotes Quotes Cards for Instagram is the application of IOS you have malware on their structure. It is a worm known as "Worm.VB-900".
It seems to be harmless for IOS and Mac, but if you use iTunes from a Windows PC then the worm can cause you some problems, but surely the antivirus detect achieved before (if you have it updated of course).
Most surprising is that this is not the first time an app in iTunes / App Store becomes infected, and that not long ago something similar happened with the application Find and Call.
Quotes Instaquotes developers Cards for Instagram said they were working on a solution to the problem. If you have this application, it is best to eliminate him until the next version comes out

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Amazon does not prevent the clash with Google and released "four five tablets soon" as a manager

No, Amazon does not amedranta with the launch of Google Nexus 7, which seeks niche now occupied by his tablet Amazon Kindle Fire. That is, if Google wants war, then war will be. This seems to think at the offices of the company with the largest online store.
And what is the response that prepares Amazon ? Well, as an officer of the company, what will happen is that in not much time "arrived between four and five tablets of Amazon to market" . There is nothing. Would you like soup? For two cups. So they spend Amazon, notice to mariners.
As is also reflected in MovilZona , it has been known also that the different ranges to be launched will be segmented with the tablet's screen size, which all indications are that there will be models 7, 8, 9.7 and 10.1 inches . Therefore, it "attacks" to all market segments and, thus, Amazon is positioned as one of the companies with the largest mobility. And, remember, which has its own application store and the operating system used is Android (tweaked by their developers, I must say, have been confirmed to have a new design and development headquarters in London, suggesting that the landing of the tablets from Amazon in Europe is imminent).
If this arrival is accompanied by prices as those offered by Amazon so far, that is tight and competitive , we have a serious rival to all existing companies, including Samsung and Apple.
What has not been able to confirm the arrival of the rumored phone from Amazon , which will almost certainly appear. But for now, nothing is confirmed. Anyway, this company is increasingly well positioned and, sure, that in less than a year lies between the four most important as far as mobility is concerned. Money has, and what you see, the attitude lacks.

This small LED to notify us of the arrival of a tweet, mail and more

A group of programmers have created this LED that serves as a kind of notification system.
The device is called Blink (1) and is an LED that is connected to our computer or laptop via a USB port. We can program it to notify us of the arrival of mails, notifications of new tweets and Facebook, we also know when a download is completed and it will show us the change of weather. They have designed several apps to complement the device and the user can be notified of the things they think are important.
Blink (1) cost $30 and available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Problems between the betas of iPhone OS 6 and the number of apps

How many applications do you usually have installed on your iPhone / iPhone / iPod? Some people tend to limit the number of apps installed because it simply is not enough space for all, while others have a device with much internal memory + microSD card choose to install each application to see. Well, according to Mid Atlantic Consulting, devices that are using a beta of iPhone OS 6 and have installed about 500 applications will begin to run slower.
Increase the number of applications to about 1000 will cause the device to stop working completely, that is, prevent even turn on. As in IOS IOS 4 and 5, Apple should allow apps to be unlimited, or rather, limited by the available space. The company Apple will handle this issue, but apparently not be in the next beta, which will be the fourth of IOS 6.
Does anyone around here trying iOS 6 b3 has had this kind of problems?

Friday, July 13, 2012

IMDb app has already been downloaded 40 million times


If you're a big fan of movies and film, then one of the apps for your smartphone must surely be the IMDb (Internet Movie Database or Database Internet movie). Yesterday it was announced that the implementation of the popular database has already been downloaded more than 40 million between IOS and Android. IMDb also said that visits to its website have reached the 150 million during the last month, and this instead of boosting staff to take a break, he urges them to improve further, why the app for Android IOS and is being updated with more information and a couple of enhancements different for each operating system.
The apps can be achieved by clicking here .

Monday, July 9, 2012

The new Angry Birds may have a role reversal


We all know that Angry Birds is one of the apps downloaded from the world over for both IOS devices to those using Android. Recently, it has been said that Rovio is developing a next installment of this series of video games and this time things may be seen from another point of view, since instead of using the birds to destroy the pigs, we would be using the pigs to destroy the birds.
The system will keep the famous slingshot and structures, but this time the mission will be to protect the eggs that the pigs have stolen birds. The game, expected to go before Christmas, will feature several types of pigs, which also have different strength and skills, as in the case of the hacks.