Showing posts with label ISNIC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ISNIC. Show all posts

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Pirate Bay domain changes again

In Internet find all kinds of web pages. There are pages extremely known as social networks and search engines, there are also video portals, forums of all kinds, pages of classified ads, sites to upload our photos for all the world to see, and of course there are also pages devoted exclusively to share files between users, as is the case with the famous The Pirate Bay.
Domains that uses The Pirate Bay are often blocked because resgistrantes fear this may cause them legal problems due to the use to which it is giving the domain. In these days, The Pirate Bay lost both its domain. gk like. was so far have opted for another alternative: a. is, of Iceland.
The entity that monitors the. Is, ISNIC, says they are not responsible for the use of the domain, but that's a responsibility to (TPB), who must always follow the law, and it should only be extremely necessary to be initiated a lawsuit against The Pirate Bay.
So you know, from now on, the site will use a domain. Is for a while, and not be surprised that in a couple of months had to make a new change.