Showing posts with label Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Show all posts

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Curiosity has found something big on Mars

Curiosity, the famous robot probe that was sent to explore Mars a couple of months ago, seems to have stumbled upon something very interesting on the red planet. It appears that some of the instruments of our little friend space are analyzing a soil sample that has attracted much attention of the team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA. If confirmed what they believe, this is a finding to enter the history books.
The Curiosity analysis tools, known as SAM, allow the robot to identify the different compounds that form a sample. John Grotzinger, the mission's principal investigator, has yet to comment on what you think you have found on Mars by Curiosity simply because they can not yet confirm the nature of the find.
Obviously what many believe is that Curiosity has evidence that life exists beyond Earth, but also those who believe that it is something much fatter. We will have to wait and see.