Showing posts with label articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label articles. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wikipedia? Already almost "finished"?

If looking for something related to a subject of college or looking for some information, it is likely that the outcome of the search will appear something about Wikipedia. Anyone who wants to can edit Wikipedia and write about computers , on laptops , cell phones or anything that comes to mind. Well, rather, anything that is useful.
All this content is free and available in Wikipedia currently has more than 4 million articles in English only, while other languages ​​counting the total amounts to approximately 15 million items.
Although Wikipedia is very popular, the number of contributors is falling. Most large Wikipedia articles were written between 2006 and 2007, being the middle of 2006 the busiest period and in most articles were written, coming to run until 2000 new items every day. The problem is that when you start to have millions of items, there is not much to write about.
The truth is that the volunteer editors do not add much material as before for the simple fact that there are not many topics to cover, and that's why some people say that Wikipedia is almost "finished" or almost "complete", as they prefer to call it .
This fact has led to the guys behind the free encyclopedia deem start getting textbooks and courses that would then be available on the web, but also have other ideas that could improve the use of Wikipedia.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Wikiweb: Wikiweb watches with a cool design

Wikiweb application that costs $5 at the App Store, is a new way to look at the Wikipedia. Not only provides a more pleasant to read articles, but also allows us to visualize the large number of connections that exists between two separate articles.
If you like to inform you, study or download applications, then Wikiweb is one that can be very helpful.

Friday, July 27, 2012

The 50 most frequently used sources of information on Wikipedia


A visual applications company took all the data on information sources of the English edition of Wikipedia, and built an infographic that shows what the fifties sites mentioned in the articles of collaborative encyclopedia.

The three most accessed sites are and, which would provide access to books and websites out of the air, and informative Sites like YouTube, NY Times, IMDB, Google, MySpace and Facebook are also in the ranking, which measures the amount of citations in credentials editions.

To learn more, read the full list of sites used , or click here to see details in the infographic produced by the company :