Showing posts with label Ministry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ministry. Show all posts

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Twitter account of the Government over 200,000 followers

The Twitter account of the Government has surpassed the 200,000 fans, the second followed the open Spanish institutions, and is the third most influential in relation to other Western governments, only behind the White House and Downing Street.
The profile of the Government on Twitter (@ desdelamoncloa), according to a statement from the Ministry of the Presidency, has not only increased their number of followers, but has also become influential in social networks.
It highlights what a comparative study between 2.0 tools of European governments, which shows that @ desdelamoncloa is situated, by number of followers and influence in the network, one of the top-ranked by profiles up as @ Elysee (official Twitter of the Government of France) or @ KremlinRussia (Russian government's official Twitter).
Furthermore, according to the Klout measurement tool, the account of La Moncloa, open since July 2009, has scored 72 points in influence over one hundred.
This same tool indicates that the Government is one of fewer requests for information about users poses Twitter.
According to the company, governmental 849 requests were received, of which 679 came from the U.S. Executive, 98 from Japan and 11 in Canada and United Kingdom respectively. Countries like Mexico, Spain and Peru are less than 10 requests.
Meanwhile, the 2012 report of United Nations development presence 'online' government institutions around the world, says that in the Internet environment, the Spanish Government was leading the group of countries in southern Europe .
The 200,000 Twitter followers of Government, the more than 60,000 video views on YouTube, the 18,000 daily visits to the website of La Moncloa ( and more than 14 million page views are shown, as highlighted by the statement, the Executive's commitment to "promote communication, understanding and transparency" of public decisions on the Internet.