Showing posts with label applicatio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label applicatio. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Malware in an app of IOS can infect our PC

 apple malware

Recently made ​​an interesting finding in one of the apps store apps from Apple . Instaquotes Quotes Cards for Instagram is the application of IOS you have malware on their structure. It is a worm known as "Worm.VB-900".
It seems to be harmless for IOS and Mac, but if you use iTunes from a Windows PC then the worm can cause you some problems, but surely the antivirus detect achieved before (if you have it updated of course).
Most surprising is that this is not the first time an app in iTunes / App Store becomes infected, and that not long ago something similar happened with the application Find and Call.
Quotes Instaquotes developers Cards for Instagram said they were working on a solution to the problem. If you have this application, it is best to eliminate him until the next version comes out