Showing posts with label find. Show all posts
Showing posts with label find. Show all posts

Friday, July 27, 2012

Solid Explorer, a genial file manager for Android

While most file managers work similarly, many are boring to use due to the design they have, but there is an app that not only performs well, but a good design: Solid Explorer.
Solid Explorer is probably one of the best applications when it comes to search, sort, view and share files on our Android device. Thanks to its great interface and filters available can quickly find the file you seek.
Solid Explorer can be downloaded free from Google Play .

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Malware in an app of IOS can infect our PC

 apple malware

Recently made ​​an interesting finding in one of the apps store apps from Apple . Instaquotes Quotes Cards for Instagram is the application of IOS you have malware on their structure. It is a worm known as "Worm.VB-900".
It seems to be harmless for IOS and Mac, but if you use iTunes from a Windows PC then the worm can cause you some problems, but surely the antivirus detect achieved before (if you have it updated of course).
Most surprising is that this is not the first time an app in iTunes / App Store becomes infected, and that not long ago something similar happened with the application Find and Call.
Quotes Instaquotes developers Cards for Instagram said they were working on a solution to the problem. If you have this application, it is best to eliminate him until the next version comes out

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Solar, a nice application, simple and useful to know the current weather

iPhone Screenshot 1

Solar is probably one of the best apps for iPhone to find out exactly what the weather in our city. The app not only has a striking design, but also quite simple and easy to use, in addition to its job very well. It can tell when there is fog, when it is cloudy, when it is clear, and so on. Besides this has a tutorial on how to use it, although not necessary, but never hurts.
Solar costs $1 in iTunes .

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

RIM sells one of its jets to not ruin


While RIM's CEO says the company still did not sink and can still fight, the truth is that is struggling to stay afloat. They recently had to lay off large numbers of employees, reduce other holidays and increase working hours at the branch in Ottawa. But that's not all, because now he company plans to save even more money, and this has had the idea of selling one of its two corporate jets.

Currently, RIM has two aircraft Dassault Aviation SA F50EX 9 passengers each and modern technology . One of these has just been put up for sale for a price of around $ 7 million. The jet not only sell a few million extra sure, but also reduce the money for the maintenance of aircraft and can save even a little more.

If someone wants to have his own private jet at a lower price than the market, you know where to find it.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Chrome Store recommended content information through Google +


Google has announced a new option in Chrome Store to find applications, extensions or content recommended by Google contacts +. Users can access a section in which the contents appear in your Google Contacts + have +1, thus allowing to know the tastes of people nearby.

Since Google has explained that it is very common among applications or contacts ask interesting extensions. It is a widespread practice, which may allow to find compelling content easily. Two people who have contact usually have similar tastes, so this way of finding new content can be highly effective.

Google engineers have thought of a way to facilitate the connection between users, using Google + for it. The company had anticipated I wanted to enter the information from Google + to improve the rest of their services and offer more personalized information. Chrome Store is a service of the company receive the personalized information.

Through the Chrome blog, Google has stated that a new section in the store Chrome Store will allow users to see the recommended or highlighted by their circles of Google +. If a contact button gives' +1' Google + content and contact can be viewed in this section. This is an indirect way for users to share content of interest, in this case Chrome Store.

Besides this option, Google has also created a section in which the levels recommended system will be similar, but this time will applications or extensions that have been of interest to outstanding individuals from the social network.

The aim is to facilitate the discovery of interesting tools for users, so you have more options besides the usual ranking of the most downloaded content.

Related links:

- Blog of Chrome (

Monday, April 30, 2012

The Walking Dead Episode I : Not Fun with U die ...

Release date Apr-25-2012

In the zombie apocalypse, we'll all be human resource managers. We'll need to make harsh critiques on the value of one human against another in a post-apocalyptic scenario. At least, that's what the first episode of Telltale's The Walking Dead adaptation has taught me

In the first of five episodes, you take on the role of Lee Everett, a man who may or may not be a killer. About the time Lee is getting transported to prison, the zombie apocalypse starts and gives him a "get out of jail free" card. For the next two hours, it's up to you to keep Lee alive and able to protect Clementine, the first grader in his care.

Here's the launch trailer for The Walking Dead: Episode 1, available now on PlayStation Network, PC and Mac, and will release very soon on Xbox LIVE Marketplace for Xbox 360.


Episode one of a five-part game series set in the same universe as Robert Kirkman’s award-winning series. Play as Lee Everett, the convicted criminal who has been given a second chance at life in a world devastated by the undead. Experience events, meet people and visit locations that foreshadow the story of Deputy Sheriff Rick Grimes. A honed game experience in which actions, choices and decisions you make will affect how your story plays out across the entire series.

The game is essentially a point and click adventure, in the same vein as PC classics Grim Fandango and Monkey Island, however there are tense and exciting quicktime style zombie survival moments which are reminiscent of Heavy Rains action segments. These quick time style battles work well enough, however they are not the focus of the game, the down time between zombie attacks are, and this is where the game excels.

Telltale have managed to get some amazing writers on board and they really make you feel for the protagonist Lee and his new lil sidekick Clementine. The game could easily grow boring with its lack of action, but the writing is so good that you will dread zombie attacks and want to interact with other survivors learning their stories and building relationships with them, which in turn help to define your character through your dialogue choices. Choice is a huge part of this game, you have mere seconds to decide whether to save one survivor or another, or how to intervene in situations, and there is a definite desire to return to chapter one and play it differently to see what could have happened. The promise that these choices will affect later episodes is also intriguing, and I wonder if it even might have affected the ‘Next time on The Walking Dead’ preview that is shown at the end (which looks equally fantastic I might add).

It may only last for around 2 hours but because it plays more like a movie than a traditional game at $5 you are definitely getting bang for your buck. The Walking Dead’s strength is the writing and the characters, the game does a great job of building tension and creating emotional investment with the characters. It is less of a game and more of an interactive story at times, but that works incredibly well with The Walking Dead property which has never simply been about zombie killing. Set in the same universe as the comics you are quick to see some familiar faces which is a nice little nod for fans. All in all I can’t wait for episode two of this. If you are a fan of The Walking Dead in any medium then this is definitely worth your time and money. Simply put, it's fantastic! 

My Comment

This game is amazing for anyone who love the Zombie genre. I haven't played a point-and-click game in a while, but it's amazingly easy and it feels and looks natural at most times. I love the fact that you have to make tough choices, who you want to save from death, to tell the truth or not. You get emotionally attached to most of the characters, and you would want to see this through. You can tell the game is developed for consoles, because of some graphical glitches, audio glitches and the controls. Don't fret! I could look past those tiny imperfections, because everything else is awesome! If you love zombies and an engaging story, you'll absolutely love this game. I can't wait for the next episodes. This game receives a 9/10 from me because of the story, comic-style graphics, music and characters. The game is very much worth its price too, that's good. It does not receive a 10/10 because of a few tiny bugs and some audio-glitches. Apart from that, I recommend it highly!
