Showing posts with label Curiosity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Curiosity. Show all posts

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The next Mars Curiosity depart in 2020

The 2012 has been a busy year for NASA. Curiosity, the rover sent to Mars, has proved very successful. So successful in fact that NASA has plans to send a new Curiosity to Mars in 2020.
The 2020 mission to Mars will have the same objectives as the current-testing of samples of Martian soil. Obviously the difference between the current and future Curiosity is 8 years of technological advancement, which will develop more advanced tools. Of course we also continue the search for life on Mars, and this time seems to focus a little more on this topic.
The project has been awarded $ 1,500 million as funds, which is $ 1 billion less than it had the original project, but not surprising since much of the project's Curiosity current can be reused, which obviously reduces costs.
After that the next step is to send humans in 2030.

Monday, December 3, 2012

NASA announced the findings of Curiosity

Today Monday, authorities and NASA researchers will give a press conference to announce the findings of Curiosity and give a general update on what the little robot on Mars has been doing in recent months.
While rumors suggest otherwise, the conference will not talk about anything really extraordinary as it was believed at the time .
Representatives from NASA's JPL rumors say that it has become a very important discovery on Mars early in the mission are not true.
According to several reports, Curiosity, or rather, one of his tools, called SAM, would have detected signs of life in a soil sample from the planet, but the JPL states that no evidence has been found of the existence of Martian organisms yet.
What do you think will be announced at noon today at the conference in San Francisco?

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Curiosity has found something big on Mars

Curiosity, the famous robot probe that was sent to explore Mars a couple of months ago, seems to have stumbled upon something very interesting on the red planet. It appears that some of the instruments of our little friend space are analyzing a soil sample that has attracted much attention of the team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA. If confirmed what they believe, this is a finding to enter the history books.
The Curiosity analysis tools, known as SAM, allow the robot to identify the different compounds that form a sample. John Grotzinger, the mission's principal investigator, has yet to comment on what you think you have found on Mars by Curiosity simply because they can not yet confirm the nature of the find.
Obviously what many believe is that Curiosity has evidence that life exists beyond Earth, but also those who believe that it is something much fatter. We will have to wait and see.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Angry Birds Red Planet Space

What did you find after arrival Curiosity to Mars? Rovio has teamed up with NASA to launch a special episode of Angry Birds Space to be titled Red Planet, and will be based on the arrival of the Curiosity rover to Mars .
This episode will feature a total of 20 different scenarios developed on Mars.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Elon Musk said that 12 or 15 years we will have colonies on Mars


Elon Musk, for those who do not know, is the cofounder of PayPal, SpaceX founder and Tesla Motors founder also, and some people consider it the real world Tony Stark. Leaving that aside, and going to what we want, Mr. Musk believes that in about 15 years will be possible to have colonies on Mars. Before the arrival of Curiosity to Mars in days past, it was estimated that these colonies would become a reality only in 30 years, but in a few days things have changed.
In their visions of Martian colonization, Musk hopes to send people to Mars in 15 years. And do not talk about scientists and astronauts, but people like you and me. Of course this requires a large sum of money estimated at $ 500,000, and it is likely that you, like me, do not be such an amount of money to invest in space travel.
Probably the first people (not astronauts) to set foot on Mars are sent by governments and corporations, or it could be some billionaire who wants to spend a couple of months in space as it reaches the red planet.