Showing posts with label light bulbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label light bulbs. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

So are the bulbs of the future

Scientists have developed a new type of light bulbs that are likely to be the replacement of existing fluorescent light bulbs that are used in homes and commercial spaces.
A team at Wake Forest University said on Monday that have created a new type of bulb that is twice as effective as modern and also has none of the negatives of these. These new bulbs are based on a technology electroluminicente polymer that emits a soft white light, so that the environment will not have to get the yellow glow of some fluorescent bulbs (or if some blue LEDs).
To develop these new bulbs, the team had to resort to nanoengineering, creating a model of three polymer layers are joined using a nanomaterial. When the material is stimulated, creating a smooth shine and pleasant white light.
Is planned to go on sale next year.