Showing posts with label Microsoft Surface. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Microsoft Surface. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

At Microsoft Surface is not doing very well

As we know, there are two known versions of Microsoft Surface tablet. While it is a solid device, the big problem I have is the price and the retail outlets, which until recently were somewhat scarce. Because of all this, the software giant's tablet is not doing very well when it comes to sales. Some analysts have said recently that the device is doomed and that their sales are really low in the opinion of some experts.

Walter Pritchard of Citigroup may be the most optimistic of all, because it suggests that the Surface has sold about 800,000 units so far. That's be optimistic? Well it is when compared to what was said by Heather Bellini of Goldman Sachs, who put the number of sales at only 230,000 units.

One thing is clear: the Surface has not been a successful tablet, or at least not as much as expected to be MS. What do you think Microsoft should change so that the device has an opportunity within this large and competitive market? Improve your hardware? Maybe or lower the price?

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Microsoft already working on your next tablet

Microsoft Surface has not reached the market but it would seem that Microsoft is working on what will be the successor to its Windows tablet with 8 Pro RT and Windows operating system. So many resources have been leaked by Microsoft found a wide range of jobs related to a potential Microsoft Surface 2. In particular, bids stated that the company was looking for engineers and developers to create the next generation of Microsoft Surface.
The news comes amid a very bad climate for Microsoft and its partners who see a very dim view that Microsoft has entered the market for tablets first. Even Acer, one of the leading manufacturers of computers, was expressed about warning the company that may need to see new software options if they will have to compete against Microsoft at the hardware level.
At first Microsoft said that its intention was merely to show how "must be a Windows tablet" but if the company is already working on its second generation is clear that Redmond is taking very seriously the market for tablets and prefer to be they who take the profits from sales of hardware.