Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The next Mars Curiosity depart in 2020

The 2012 has been a busy year for NASA. Curiosity, the rover sent to Mars, has proved very successful. So successful in fact that NASA has plans to send a new Curiosity to Mars in 2020.
The 2020 mission to Mars will have the same objectives as the current-testing of samples of Martian soil. Obviously the difference between the current and future Curiosity is 8 years of technological advancement, which will develop more advanced tools. Of course we also continue the search for life on Mars, and this time seems to focus a little more on this topic.
The project has been awarded $ 1,500 million as funds, which is $ 1 billion less than it had the original project, but not surprising since much of the project's Curiosity current can be reused, which obviously reduces costs.
After that the next step is to send humans in 2030.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Google would have to sensurar the word 'torrent' and 'RapidShare'


The terms "torrent", "rapidshare" and "megaupload" can not be suggested when a person performs a search on Google. That is, should be eliminated as suggestions. That's what the Supreme Court has ordered the French in the music industry litigation against Google SNEP, whom he accused of helping to implicitly musical copyright infringement not filter those words.
What is the reason? The Supreme Court of France argues that Google provides (indirectly) piracy by not filtering the above terms, so the case was sent to the Court of Appeals which shall make the final decision for Google.

Indeed, in 2010 the trade association of the Recording Industry of France, SNEP, filed a lawsuit against Google, this was a way to force the company to filter out certain terms in their searches, noting that when users write the name an artist, Google added suggestions of words like 'torrent' or 'Rapidshare', facilitating piracy.

This case went to court that gave reason to Google before it reached the Supreme Court ruled that Google is not responsible for web sites that infringe copyright, but can handle it difficult for the public to find pirated content. It also could add more terms to the list of censored words if the appeal does not benefit Google. What do you think?

Google buys Sparrow, e-mail client for IOS and Mac

Sparrow + Google

Sparrow, premiered in October 2011, had become in record time in one of those programs that do not need advertising, but popularized by word of mouth among friends. The e-mail program, which initially only worked on Macs, has just been acquired by Google, although neither party has made ​​public the amount.

So, Sparrow, that service for managing and controlling Gmail accounts in the iPhone or the Mac, now past the ranks of Google, according to recent reports that have on the subject.

'We care about how people communicate, and have always done our best to provide the email experience more intuitive and enjoyable as possible,' says the CEO of Sparrow, Dom Leca, in a post published this morning on the company blog. 'Now we are joining the Gmail team to achieve a larger vision, one that we think we can get better with Google'.

Sparrow applications have managed to become the most popular with users of Apple devices thanks to its clean design and smart functionality. And service users will know what I mean and would certainly not have shown signs of surprise at this news, since the acquisition by Google Sparrow is something we saw coming a long time, since the application was integrated well with Gmail, even surpassing in many respects to the Gmail application itself in IOS.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Windows 8 will arrive on October 26

Windows fans and users of that operating system, and can check off the release date of Windows 8 on your calendar: October 26, 2012. After months of rumors and speculation, Microsoft confirmed the release date for the conference W8 Microsoft Global Exchange and shortly before the story broke in the Windows Blog. Many said that the date chosen would be October 25, and apparently missed him narrowly.
As you may know, will get the technology of Windows 8 for $ 40 dollars once it becomes available. Remember that if you use Office 2013 you will have to leave behind the old XP or Vista and unloved happen to W8/W7, since the new version of Office will not support older versions to the current version.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Caixa Social Work form the computer and new technologies to inmates who complete their sentences soon

Caixa Social Work launches the program 'Solidarity CiberCaixa' in three prisons in the country, to prepare inmates have next the end of his sentence, in computing and new technologies for imminent life outside the school. Thus, the program establishes a set of training activities to develop, focusing on younger and older inmates, for which it has specific purposes depending on the group to which it is addressed.

On the one hand, youth develop computer courses and workshops taught by senior volunteers, prepared specifically for it, trying to facilitate their social reintegration and employment training them in skills and training skills. Thus, this action seeks to foster intergenerational dialogue between young prisoners and trainers, "that will give older people experience and confidence," as noted by the entity.

There will also be training activities aimed at older people in prison, taught by professionals in order to "avoid isolation, passivity and futility of this group", increasing its activity and communication and new interests fomentándoles also provide them social reintegration.

Specifically, the new prisons which will develop the program in 2012, under the agreement are those of Seville, Palma de Mallorca, Las Palmas I, which are added to those of Badajoz, Teixeiro, Valencia and Zaragoza Villabona, in those already implemented the project.

Privacy complaint filed by the attack on PlayStation Network

The Data Protection Agency has filed a complaint against Sony Facua by 'hacking' the online service of the PlayStation. The agency could not prove that you can apply the Law of Protection of Information (Act) Spanish to incidents involving the company and its impact to users.

In late April 2011, Sony announced that the company closed its network of online gaming worldwide for "maintenance problems". However, later acknowledged that the global moratorium was due to infiltration of a group hacker could have compromised the security of the data of millions of passwords, purchase history, billing addresses and even credit card data .

For these reasons, in Spain FACUA-Consumers in Action denounced the Data Protection Agency (AEPD) to Sony, saying the company was responsible for "security hole in its network of online games on the PlayStation Network was a cracker accessed confidential data. "

The Spanish subsidiary of Sony claimed during the inspections of the AEPD that the incident occurred on the premises of San Diego, and Sony Spain tended not responsible or liable, because "there had not tried to access data from service users, and their business scope is limited to the sale of consoles from Sony and video game developed by companies contracted by Sony. "

Moreover, while 334,453 users had provided credit card details to Sony, the company said that these data were specifically protected, and passwords of users, which were stored encrypted using an algorithm.


Accepting the explanations of the company, from the AEPD, have decided to close the case, in a ruling issued in April July, when not accredited that can be applied to the Spanish Data Protection Act incidents involving company Sony.

According to the law firm specialized data data protection "to apply the Data Protection Act, the penalty could have been put SONY, would reach € 300,000."

In this sense, according to these experts, the AEPD "has not had an easy, neither the ICO (British Authority data protection equivalent to the AEPD) or Sony Computer Entertainment Europe have responded to requests for information during the proceedings of research. "

On the other hand, Sony Spain explained to Data Protection took the following measures to minimize the problem: speed data transfer models, which was previously planned, a new processing center with increased security measures, implementation of automated software control and configuration management, improvements in levels of protection and data encryption, improvements in the detection of intrusions, unauthorized acessos and abnormal patterns of activity, addition of new electronic walls, and the creation of the position of Chief of Security Information, reporting directly to the Chief of Security of Sony Corporation, among others.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wow ! Microsoft in 2019 : What is here ?

This is Clip Video of Microsoft in 2019.What's changed ?.let's go.

from Author...
It's not imagined my friend. Microsoft's work with Surface technology is already underway. The upcoming VIERA TV from Panasonic already gives you the ability to share your pictures and videos by swiping from your mobile device. Google revealed their prototype augmented virtual reality glasses and driver-less cars a few months ago. I'm really excited for the future.