Showing posts with label couple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label couple. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Christmas Tree Live Wallpaper for your Android

We have a couple of months ahead of Christmas to show this cool app called Christmas Tree Live Wallpaper. The name says it all, right? It is an application of live wallpapers with designs of Christmas trees. While Christmas is oriented, can be used all year round.
The application lets you set various things, such as the type of tree, since we can choose between the normal and snow, we can also adjust the rate of snowfall is possible to change the amount of light and its effects, and also We can adjust the sound.
Christmas Tree Live Wallpaper can be downloaded from Google Play for free.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Could lower the price of Kindle Fire

kindle fire

Amazon is working hard to create the next generation of Kindle Fire, or the Kindle Fire in the event of confirmation of what we saw yesterday. Apparently rumors that when the successor of Fire hits the market, the original model will be low in cost that will make even cheaper than the Nexus 7 from Google . In this form, Amazon would be following in the footsteps of Apple when the company lowered the price of its iPhone and the iPad 2 after the start of the new models.
Kindle is expected to pass Fire cost $ 170 U.S. dollars, becoming one of the tablets cheaper and more popular in the world. This in part will help to give more competition to the Nexus 7, which costs $ 200.
We have to wait a couple of months to see what happens.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Amazon launched Kindle 6 tablets Fire

It is known that the new Kindle Fire tablets are underway, but is it true that Amazon plans to launch a total of 6 different models, that's what it says Demos Parneros, President of the resale store chain Staples is one of the vendors in the Kindle Fire.
Parneros also was kind enough to confirm that the new Fire will be available in different sizes and there will be a 10-inch model.
The launch 6 tablets at a time seems a project very greedy, but otherwise can be an effective move because in this way the products offered will be adjusted to the different demands of customers.
If you plan to buy the Kindle Fire soon, it may be better to wait a couple of months to see the new models and technology to incorporate.